Saturday, 22 February 2025

Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions.

Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.  
Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch. 
Sie bleibt für drei Wochen. 
Drei Wochen sind viel zu lang.  
Das letzte Mal blieb sie vier Wochen.  
Gregor hätte sie fast umgebracht.  
Die Schwiegermutter von Gregor ist eine sehr herrische Frau.  
Sie glaubt, sie sei der Boss. 
Sie ist eine Kontrollsüchtige. 
Was kann der arme Gregor tun? 
Einfach den Kopf einziehen.  
Nichts sagen.  
Drei Wochen werden vergehen. 
Langsam aber sicher.  
Vielleicht wird es gar nicht so schlimm sein.  
Mal abwarten, was passiert. 
Aber, Gregor hat einen neuen Spaten gekauft.  
Vielleicht muss er im Garten ein sehr tiefes Loch graben.  
Oder vielleicht sogar zwei sehr tiefe Löcher!

Gregor is very unhappy.  His mother-in-law is coming to stay. She's staying for three weeks. Three weeks is much too long.  Last time, she stayed for four weeks.  Gregor nearly killed her.  Gregor's mother-in-law is a very bossy woman.  She thinks she's the boss. She's a controll freak. What can poor Gregor do? Just keep his head down.  Say nothing.  Three weeks will pass. Slowly but surely.  Maybe, it won't be so bad.  Let's wait and see. But, Gregor has bought new spade.  Maybe, he will need to dig a very deep hole in the garden.  Or, maybe, even two very deep holes!

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The Farm at Lane's End. Also easy, but not so simple. Good luck!  Higher vocabulary.

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 34

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of  everyday country life in England. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son  Dave.  In chapter 34, Dave needs some money.


To lend - You lend something to someone.  Can you lend me your car, please?  

To borrow - You borrow something from someone.  Can I borrow your car, please?

A tall order - A tall order is an unreasonable request.  Wanting me to help him on Christmas day was a very tall order.

That's the way the cookie crumbles is something one must accept. I'm sad, my gold fish has died, but, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

To pull someone's leg means to play a trick on them.

On the strength of something means you believe them because of  what they said.

Words you might like  to check -  To gamble - By the way - upset - habbit - 

Chapter 34

Farmer Ken and Dave are enjoying a well earned whisky.

I say, Dad, could you lend me ten grand, please?

Ten thousand pounds, Dave. That's a bit of a tall order. Why do you want to borrow so much money?

It's Claire, Dad.  She wants to go on holiday.  She wants to go to Las Vegas.  She wants to go gambling.  

You mean, Claire wants to borrow ten thousand pounds so she can go gambling!  Why can't she use her own money?

Claire says it's better to lose your money than hers.

Well, Dave, you can tell Claire to think again.  There's no way I'm going to give you money to throw away. And, by the way, Gambling's a very stupid habbit.

But, Dad, Claire will be upset.  How am I going to tell her you won't lend us the money?

Just tell her there's no way I'm going to lend you the money. And, if she's upset, just tell her that that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Actually, Dad, I was only pulling your leg.  I really need the money for a new tractor.  The old one keeps breaking down.  It's become too expensive to keep.

Well, Dave, on the strength of that, I'll give you twenty thousand pounds.  Get the best that you can.

Thanks, Dad.  I knew you'd understand.  Shall I pour another whisky?

Dave, that's a very silly question!

Cheers Dave, Cheers Dad.


Dave was pulling his father's leg. How much did he want to borrow from his father?

Why did Dave want to borrow so much money?

What story did Dave tell his father about Claire? 

What is Las Vegas famous for?

How do you understand "I was only pulling your leg"?

Explain - Can I lend you some money.

Tell us when you would say - can I borrow ten Euros, please.

What is a tall order?

What do you do when you pull someone's leg?

Please explain on the strength of that, I will give you the money,

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Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...