Friday, 28 February 2025

Friday the 28th of February, 2025 - English Warmups, Farmer Ken, Easy text for beginners

Obs!  Talk49 YouTube Channel  - Videos - Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + Interviews, Geschichten, Warmups, The Farm at Lane's End, und mehr.  Deutsch und Englisch.  Most videos with full text.  Die meisten Videos mit vollständigem Text.

English Warmups

Simply translate into English, then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck!

Die Faschingssaison neigt sich dem Ende zu.  

Ich mag den Fasching sehr.  

Besonders in Wien.   

Wien hat viele Bälle.    

Bälle sind eine große Wiener Tradition.   

Die Wienerinnen und Wiener lieben das Tanzen.    

Jeder Verein hat einen Ball.  

Jeder Beruf hat einen Ball. 

Und sogar jede Kirche hat einen Ball. 

Und auch jede Schule hat ihren Schulball. 

Der berühmteste aller Wiener Bälle ist der Opernball. 

Lange Abendkleider für die Damen. 

Schwarzer Frack und weiße Fliege für die Herren.   

Eine sehr strenge Kleiderordnung.  

Und, natürlich, Musik von Strauß. 

Und wenn Fasching vorbei ist?  

Wird es Zeit, wieder zu fasten. 

Keine Faschingskrapfen mehr. 

The carnival season is coming to its end.  I really enjoy carnival.  Especially in Vienna. Vienna has many balls.    Balls are a great Viennese tradition.   The Viennese love dancing.    Every club has a ball.  Every profession has a ball. And, even every church has a ball. And, every school has its school ball as well. The most famous Viennese ball of all is the Opera Ball. Long gowns for ladies. Black tailcoat and white bow tie for the gentlemen.   A very strict dress code.  And, of course, music by Strauss. And, when the carnival is over?  It's time to start fasting again. No more carnival donuts. 

+ + + + + + + + + 

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of  everyday country life in England. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son, Dave.  In chapter 35, Farmer Ken and Dave are going to the tip.


The tip - or rubbish tip - The place where people take their rubbish.  The things they want to get rid of. I think we should get rid of the old rusty bike.  

To get rid of something means to throw it away.

Holdall - a holdall is a large bag for travelling. Usually used for long weekends.

Words you might like to check -  jam jar - fireplace - holdall - I was only pulling your leg. 

+ + + + + +

Chapter 35 -The Bartons are having breakfast.  Farmer Ken has something to say.

I say, Jean, these eggs are the best soft boiled eggs in the world. You're a very talented cook. And, by the way, Jean, Dave and I are going to the tip after lunch.  Is there anything you want to get rid of?

Actually, there is one thing you could take.  My old holdall.  I've filled it ups with old jars. Getting rid of that old holdall and all those old jars would be a very great help.

And, Dave, is ther anything else you can think of that needs throwing away?

Actually dad, there is.  We could rid of that horrible old picture above the fireplace in the lounge.

We can't do that, Dave. That horrible old picture as you call it, is an original Turner.  It's worth a fortune.  

I know, dad.  I was only pulling your leg.

So, Ken and Dave, what are you talking to the tip?

We have a full trailer, mum. Those three rusty  bikes that have been in the barn for years, that old lawn mower that used to be gran's, that old fridge that's been broken for years, and that sack full of old wellington boots. 

That sounds more than enough.

It's enough for one load.  And, by the way, mum?  What's for lunch?

Another one of your favourite's, Dave. Toad in the Hole.

That's one my favourites as well.   So come on Dave, we've got lots to do before lunch.  The garden gate needs repairing and the yard needs sweeping.

So, see you at elevenses.

Bye mum.  Cheerio Jean.  By boys, see you at 11.

Questions  -   What did Farmer Ken say about Jean's eggs?  Where are Ken and Dave going after lunch?  How do you understand - to get rid of something?  What would you like to get rid of?  What does Jean want Ken and Dave to take to the tip?  What are Ken and Dave taking to the tip?  What is Jean cooking for lunch?  What is a holdall?  What have Dave and Ken got to do before lunch?  What time are elevenses? 


+ + + + + + + +

Easy Text from

Karli Freund

Karli Freund is a carpenter, He works with wood. Karli Freund needs many different tools for his work.   He needs sawschiselsplanesdrillshammers, screwdrivers, and a lathe. Karli Freund also uses lots of sandpaper and glue.

Karli Freund makes window framesdoor frames and furniture in his workshop.

And, Karli loves his weekends as well. He has a very nice little wooden house in the Vienna Woods, which, by-the-way, he built himself!

Karli Freund is a carpenter. He loves his job very much.


built – gebaut (build/built/built)
by-the-way - übrigens
carpenter – Tischler
chisel – Meißel
different – verschieden
door frames – Türrahmen
drill – Bohrer
furniture – Möbel
glue - Klebstoff

lathe - Drehbank / Dressel (Öst.)
need – brauchen (need/needed/needed)
plane - Hobel

sandpaper – Schleifpapier
saw - Säge
screwdriver – Schraubenzieher
tools – Werkzeug
window frames – Fensterrahmen
wooden - hölzern
workshop - Werkstatt

1 – What tools does Karli Freund need for his job?
2 - Why does Karli Freund make in his workshop?
3 – What does Karli Freund do at weekends?
4 – Where is Karli Freund's little wooden house?
5 – Who built Karli Freund's little wooden house?
6 – Who chose the furniture?
7 - Why is wood beautiful?

2 March, 2025 +45

  Talk49 YouTube Channel  - Videos - Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + Interviews, Geschichten, Warmups, The Farm at Lane's End, und mehr.  Deutsch und Englisch.  Most videos with full text.  Die meisten Videos mit vollständigem Text.

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Friday the 7th of March, 2025

Austrian tourists on the Isle of Capri Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr glücklich.   ...