Thursday, 4 April 2024

Thursday the 4th of April, 2024.


 Simply translate into English.  Scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck!

Gregor ist ein hochkultivierter Mann.  

Ein Mann des Theaters, der Oper und der Kunst.  

Gregors Lieblingsautor ist Franz Kafka.   

Gregor liebt Kafkas Geschichte über einen Mann, der sich in ein Insekt verwandelt.  

Diese Geschichte ist jetzt ein Theaterstück.  

Es wird im Akademietheater in Wien aufgeführt. 

Gregor hat zwei Karten gekauft. 

Die perfekte Geburtstagsüberraschung für seine Frau. 

Vielleicht gefällt Gregors Frau das Stück.  

Wir müssen abwarten. 

Gregor is a highly cultured man.  A man of theatre, opera, and art.  Gregor's favourite author is Franz Kafka.   Gregor's really loves Kafka's story of a man who turned into an insect.  This story is now a play.  It is  on  at the  Akademietheater in Vienna. Gregor has bought two tickets. The perfect birthday surprise for his wife. Maybe, Gregor's wife will enjoy the play.  We must wait and see.

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The Farm at Lane's End
Chapter 1 - A Letter

Listen to the story, then answer the following questions,

Key Words

Preparing - getting ready
Huge - very very big

Is farmer Ken cooking breakfast or lunch? 
What has Dave just finished doing?
Which season is it in this story?
What does farmer Ken tell Dave over breakfast?
Who has written to farmer Ken?
Good news or bad news?
Who is getting married?
Who is Cousin Jane getting married to?
Is Rajeeve's father rich or poor?
Why is Rajeeve's father rich?
Where is Dave's mother?

Click here for more of Life at Lane's End - This site will be updated weekly.

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A Short Story

House flies are small, black  everyone hates them. They share our homes and eat all they can get! House flies are very revolting.

But, these little miracles of nature have another side, too. They are good at surviving. House flies can fly at 11 kilometres an hour, and with their 6000 little eyes they can see danger coming and fly out the way. And, there's more! In their 34 day lifespan, house flies can lay more than 400 eggs.
But, not everyone hates them. House flies are perfect for lunch and are loved by spiders and birds.

And little Susie? She keeps a house fly under her bed in a box, and its name is Erich!


danger – Gefahr
fly (fly/flew/flown) – fliegen
hate – (hate/hated/hated) – hassen
house fly – Stubenfliege
lifespan - Lebenszeit
miracle – Wunder
revolting - abscheulich
share (share/shared/shared) – teilen
surviving – überleben


Why do you hate house flies?
How fast can house flies fly?
How many eyes have house flies got?
What do house flies eat for lunch?
How many eggs do house flies lay?
Where does Susie keep Erich?
For how long can a house fly live?
Who has house flies for lunch?

Listen to this story on Youtube.

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Friday the 28th of February, 2025 - English Warmups, Farmer Ken, Easy text for beginners

Obs!    Talk49 YouTube Channel   -   Videos -  Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + ...