Thursday, 28 March 2024

Maundy Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Simply translate into English.  Suggested solutions at the end.

Ostern steht vor der Tür.  

Nur noch 4 Tage.      

Heute ist Gründonnerstag. 

Morgen ist Karfreitag.  

Am Gründonnerstag wäscht der Papst die Füße der Armen. 

Vielleicht wäscht der Papst auch seine eigenen Füße.  

Die Karwoche beginnt am Palmsonntag.  

Jesus wurde am Karfreitag gekreuzigt.  

Der Ostersonntag war der Tag der Auferstehung.  

Ostermontag ist der Tag nach Ostersonntag. 

Ich liebe Ostern.  

Es gibt viele Schokoladeneier und Hasen.  

Frohe Ostern.

Easter's just round the corner.  Only 4 more days.  It's Good Friday tomorrow.  Today is Maundy Thursday.  On Maundy Thursday, the Pope washes the feet of the poor. Maybe, the Pope washes his own feet, too.  Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday.  Jesus was crucified on Good Friday.  Easter Sunday was the day of the resurection.  Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday. I love Easter.  Lots of chocolate eggs and bunnies.  Happy Easter.



The world is full of inventionsSome good, some bad, and some good and bad! Aeroplanes are very good examples. They can take us to very nice places, and, they can drop bombs on our heads. Good and evilNight and day!

So, what does Maxi B. Acs say? He says that pencil cases are the most useful inventions he knows. He always knows where his pencils are.

And, what does Helga Indra say? Her favourite invention is the mobile phone. She can speak all-day-long to her friends!

But, for manpeople, the computer is the most important invention of all. I don't agree. I believe the wheel is the most important of all! Wheels make life very easy.  Imagine a car with no wheels.


agree – zustimmen (agree/agreed/agreed)
all-day-long – den Ganzen Tag
believe – glauben (believe/believed/believed)
day – Tag
ever – jemals
evil – böse
examples – Beispiele
important – wichtig (important/more important/the most important))
impossible – unmöglich
inventions - Erfindungen
many – viele (much – viel)
mobile (phone) – Handy -used mainly without „phone“
night – Nacht
pencil case - Fedepenal
people – Menschen
say – sagen (say/said/said)
some are good – Manche sind gut
without - ohne
zero – Null

Questions and Points for Discussion!

Name four inventions which are good and bad!
What is the most important invention ever?
Why are computers very good inventions?
What have you invented?
Who invented the aeroplane?
What are the most important household inventions?
What do you think of cars?

Very Easy Quiz

Was Charles Dickens Irish or American?
How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?
Was Franz Werfel a tram driver or a cook in a Chinese restaurant?
In which city did Alma Mahler die?
Was Bruno Kreisky the prime minister or president of Austria?
Who is the mayor of Vienna?
Did Alfred Hitchcock make suspence films or love films?
What have Babelsberg and Holywood in common?
Where is Babelsberg? 

+ + + + + +

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Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...