Thursday, 28 March 2024

Maundy Thursday, 28 March, 2024

Simply translate into English.  Suggested solutions at the end.

Ostern steht vor der Tür.  

Nur noch 4 Tage.      

Heute ist Gründonnerstag. 

Morgen ist Karfreitag.  

Am Gründonnerstag wäscht der Papst die Füße der Armen. 

Vielleicht wäscht der Papst auch seine eigenen Füße.  

Die Karwoche beginnt am Palmsonntag.  

Jesus wurde am Karfreitag gekreuzigt.  

Der Ostersonntag war der Tag der Auferstehung.  

Ostermontag ist der Tag nach Ostersonntag. 

Ich liebe Ostern.  

Es gibt viele Schokoladeneier und Hasen.  

Frohe Ostern.

Easter's just round the corner.  Only 4 more days.  It's Good Friday tomorrow.  Today is Maundy Thursday.  On Maundy Thursday, the Pope washes the feet of the poor. Maybe, the Pope washes his own feet, too.  Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday.  Jesus was crucified on Good Friday.  Easter Sunday was the day of the resurection.  Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday. I love Easter.  Lots of chocolate eggs and bunnies.  Happy Easter.



The world is full of inventionsSome good, some bad, and some good and bad! Aeroplanes are very good examples. They can take us to very nice places, and, they can drop bombs on our heads. Good and evilNight and day!

So, what does Maxi B. Acs say? He says that pencil cases are the most useful inventions he knows. He always knows where his pencils are.

And, what does Helga Indra say? Her favourite invention is the mobile phone. She can speak all-day-long to her friends!

But, for manpeople, the computer is the most important invention of all. I don't agree. I believe the wheel is the most important of all! Wheels make life very easy.  Imagine a car with no wheels.


agree – zustimmen (agree/agreed/agreed)
all-day-long – den Ganzen Tag
believe – glauben (believe/believed/believed)
day – Tag
ever – jemals
evil – böse
examples – Beispiele
important – wichtig (important/more important/the most important))
impossible – unmöglich
inventions - Erfindungen
many – viele (much – viel)
mobile (phone) – Handy -used mainly without „phone“
night – Nacht
pencil case - Fedepenal
people – Menschen
say – sagen (say/said/said)
some are good – Manche sind gut
without - ohne
zero – Null

Questions and Points for Discussion!

Name four inventions which are good and bad!
What is the most important invention ever?
Why are computers very good inventions?
What have you invented?
Who invented the aeroplane?
What are the most important household inventions?
What do you think of cars?

Very Easy Quiz

Was Charles Dickens Irish or American?
How many symphonies did Beethoven compose?
Was Franz Werfel a tram driver or a cook in a Chinese restaurant?
In which city did Alma Mahler die?
Was Bruno Kreisky the prime minister or president of Austria?
Who is the mayor of Vienna?
Did Alfred Hitchcock make suspence films or love films?
What have Babelsberg and Holywood in common?
Where is Babelsberg? 

+ + + + + +

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Thursday the 21st of March, 2024


Simply translate into English,  suggested solutions belowe. Good luck!

Es ist mitten in der Nacht.  


Die frühen Morgenstunden.  

Ich bin wach.  

Ich kann nicht schlafen.  

Ich hatte einen schrecklichen Albtraum. 

In der Kneipe gab es kein Bier.  

Was soll ich tun?  

Soll ich aufstehen?   

Soll ich versuchen, wieder einzuschlafen? 

Ich stehe auf und schreibe eine Mail an meinen Bruder.  

Das hätte ich schon gestern tun sollen.  

Ich würde auch gerne in den Garten gehen.  

Aber es ist noch dunkel. 

Eine Tasse Kaffee wäre toll. 

Oder vielleicht eine schöne Tasse Tee.  

Aber auf jeden Fall kein Bier.

It's the middle of the night.  3 AM.  The small hours.  I am awake.  I can't sleep.  I had a terrible nightmare. The pub had no beer.  What shall I do?  Shall I get up?   Shall I try to get back to sleep? I will get up and write a mail to my brother.  I should have done it yesterday.  I would also like to go into the garden.  But, it's still dark.  A cup of coffee would be great. Or, maybe a nice cup of tea.  But, definately no beer.

Easy Quiz

Where is Cape Verdi?

Is Cape Verdi in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

Is Cardif or Sydney the capital of Australia?

Is Kufstein in Lower Austria or Upper Austria?

Who wrote The Merry Widow?

When did Emperor Franz Josef die?

Who was the last emperor of Austria?

Where was Empress Elisabeth of Austria assasinated?

Who is the British prime minister?

Is Southern Comfort a medicine that is only taken in the south?

Karli Freund - A short story

Karli Freund is a carpenter, He works with wood. Karli Freund needs many different tools for his work.
He needs sawschiselsplanesdrillshammers, screwdrivers, and a lathe. Karli Freund also uses lots of sandpaper and glue.

Karli Freund makes window framesdoor frames and furniture in his workshop.

And, Karli loves his weekends as well. He has a very nice little wooden house in the Vienna Woods, which, by-the-way, he built himself!

Karli Freund is a carpenter. He loves his job very much.


built – gebaut (build/built/built)
by-the-way - übrigens
carpenter – Tischler
chisel – Meißel
different – verschieden
door frames – Türrahmen
drill – Bohrer
furniture – Möbel
glue - Klebstoff

lathe - Drehbank / Dressel (Öst.)
need – brauchen (need/needed/needed)
plane - Hobel

sandpaper – Schleifpapier
saw - Säge
screwdriver – Schraubenzieher
tools – Werkzeug
window frames – Fensterrahmen
wooden - hölzern
workshop - Werkstatt

1 – What tools does Karli Freund need for his job?
2 - Why does Karli Freund make in his workshop?
3 – What does Karli Freund do at weekends?
4 – Where is Karli Freund's little wooden house?
5 – Who built Karli Freund's little wooden house?
6 – Who chose the furniture?
7 - Why is wood beautiful?

Recording with full text.

Friday, 15 March 2024

Friday the 15th March, 2024


English Warm-ups.  Simply translate into English.  Suggested solutions at the bottom. 
Obs! English Warm-ups will be published every Thursday in future!

Good Luck!

Es ist ein wunderschöner Morgen in London.  

Ich habe gerade das Frühstück beendet.  

Ich hatte nur Zeit für ein sehr schnelles Frühstück. 

Morgen werden wir in den Süden aufbrechen. 

Wir fahren in die Antarktis. 

Um die Pinguine zu sehen.  

Im Süden ist es sehr kalt.   

Das Fest Eis senkt die Temperatur sehr. 

Wir fahren auf einem Luxuskreuzfahrtschiff.  

Zu viel Essen, da bin ich mir sicher.  

Wir werden fasten müssen, wenn wir zurückkommen. 

Jetzt muss ich schnell telefonieren.  

Ich brauche ein Taxi.  

Wir müssen zum Hafen fahren.  

Dort wird das Schiff mit sehr starken Seilen festgehalten.  

Wir können nicht auf morgen warten.  

Unser Schiff fährt um 10 Uhr morgens ab. 

It's a wonderful morning in London.  I have just finished breakfast.  I only had time for a very fast breakfast. Tomorrow, we are leaving for the south. We are going to the Antarctic. To see the penguins.  It is very cold in the south.  The fast-ice really brings down the temperature.  We are going on a luxury cruiser.  Too much food, I'm sure.  We will have to fast when we get back. Now, I must make a quick phone call.  I need a taxi.  We must go to the port.  There, the ship is held fast by very strong ropes.  We can't wait for tomorrow.  Our ship sails at 10 in the morning.  


Is André Heller's garden in North Africa or South Africa?
What is the Capital of Morocco?
Is Morocco a Catholic country or a Muslim country?
Where do Muslims go to prey?
What is the name of desert in North Africa?
Where can you find water in the desert?
What is the best way of crossing the Sahara?
Do camels have one hump or two?
What is the national dish of Morocco?

Edward Cave and the first magazine in the world.

There are women's magazines, sports magazines, motoring magazines and many other kinds of magazines, too. But, why are magazines called magazines?
In 1730, Edward Cave, a French Canadian printer decided to produce general interest magazine for men. And, he wanted to call it  “A Store of General Information”. But, this didn't sound good. So, instead, he chose the French word “Magazine”. And, the word magazine has the same meaning as the word store and sounds much better.


chose (choose/chose/chosen) - aussuchen
French – französisch
general interest – allgemeine Interesse
instead – stattdessen
printer – Drücker
produce - erzeugen
magazine - Zeitschrift
meaning - Bedeutung
Store - Lage

When did Edward Cave decide to produce a magazine?
Was Edward Cave's magazine a fishing magazine or a women's magazine?
What did Edward Cave want to call his magazine?
Why did Edward Cave chose the name “Magazine”?
Is the word magazine Spanish or English?
What does the word magazine mean?
Which magazines do you read?

Click here to listen to Edward Cave  on YouTube.  Video includes full text.

P.S.   English Warm-ups will be published every Thursday in future!

 A Lazy Toorington Weekend!

This weekend was a very slow weekend.  We had a lazy time.  We spent most of our time in the garden.  A little bit here and a little bit there.  Nothing special.  

But, the grill  on Saturday evening was great. Two beautiful steaks. We bought them at the butchers on Saturday morning. And, the wine  came from The Toorington Wine Bar. Very good and a very good price. Only 10 pounds a bottle.  

After dinner we watched Grafenegg on TV.  Live from Austria.  Buchbinder was playing.  A sensational concert.  Brilliant as usual.   One day, we are definitely going to Grafenegg.  I love the atmosphere.  Classic and fine.

And, what's planned for next week?   We are meeting Mick of the Toorington theatre club.  See you next week.


lazy . .

spent . . .

definately . . .


Thursday, 7 March 2024

Friday the 8th of March, 2024


Simply translate into English and have lots of fun!  Scroll down for suggested solutions.

Mary hat ein Pferd. 

Sein Name ist Sandy.  

Sandy ist ein sehr hübsches Pferd.  

Sandy hat ein desert-braunes Fell.  

Ein Pferd zu halten ist keine leichte Aufgabe. 

Sandy ist in der Freudenau in Wien untergebracht.  

Viele Leute halten dort ihre Pferde.  

Maria muss jeden Tag in den Stall gehen.  

Das Ausmisten von Sandys Stall ist nicht Marias Lieblingsarbeit.  

Maria muss Sandy auch füttern.  

Jeden Tag einen Eimer Hafer und 2 oder 3 Karotten. 

Sandy zu striegeln ist auch wichtig.  

Aber die Bewegung ist das Wichtigste von allem.  

Mary reitet Sandy jeden Tag.  

2 oder 3 Stunden in der Prata. 

Reiten macht Spaß.  

Deshalb hat Mary Sandy.

Mary has a horse. Its name is Sandy.  Sandy is a very handsome horse.  Sandy has a desert brown coat.  Keeping a horse is no easy job. Sandy is stabled at the Freudenau  in Vienna.  Many people keep their horses there.  Mary must go to the stables every day.  Mucking out Sandy's stable is not Mary's favourite job.  Mary must also feed Sandy.  A bucket of oats and 2 or 3 carrots every day. Groomng Sandy is also important.  But, exercise is the most important of all.  Mary rides Sandy each day.  2 or 3 hours in the Prata. Riding is fun.  That's why Mary has Sandy.

Short true story - Morag's Horse

Our good friends the McGregors live in the highlands of Scotland.  Their daughter Morag has a horse.  Its name is Sandy.  Morag's horse is very unusual.  Sandy is a 4 legged horse. Most horses in the highlands of Scotland have only 2 legs. Going up and down Scottish mountains is easier for 2 legged horses. That's why 4 legged horses are not very common in Scotland. And, by the way, 2 legged horses are cheaper to keep than 4 legged horses.  2 legged horses only need 2 shoes.  Morag's horse Sandy.  The pride of the highlands.

Kurze wahre Geschichte - Morag's Horse

Unsere guten Freunde, die McGregors, leben im Highlands von Schottland.  Ihre Tochter Morag hat ein Pferd.  Sein Name ist Sandy.  Morags Pferd ist sehr ungewöhnlich.  Sandy ist ein vierbeiniges Pferd. Die meisten Pferde in den schottischen Highlands haben nur 2 Beine. Für Pferde mit 2 Beinen ist es einfacher, die schottischen Berge hinauf- und hinunterzugehen. Deshalb sind vierbeinige Pferde in Schottland nicht sehr verbreitet. Übrigens sind 2-beinige Pferde billiger zu halten als einbeinige Pferde.  2-beinige Pferde brauchen nur 2 Hufeisen.  Morags Pferd Sandy.  Der Stolz der Highlands.

Easy Quiz

What was Picasso famous for?

Was Picasso Spanish or French.

Where is Barcelona?

What church is Barcelona famous for?

Which famous  artist lived in Barcelona?

Was Franco a former king of Spain?

Does Spain have a king or a president?

Which Scandinavian country joined NATO this week?

Who is the king of Sweden?

Good Luck!



Friday, 1 March 2024

Friday the 1st of March, 2024


Tourists asking directions in Vienna

Simply translate into Englsh then scroll down for suggested solutions.  

Good Luck!

Heute sind viele Menschen im Park.  

Es ist ein schöner Tag für einen Spaziergang.  

Und das Wetter wird die nächsten Tage schön bleiben.  

Wir planen einen Ausflug.  

Einen Tagesausflug zum Semmering.  

Der Semmering ist eine schöne Gegend.  

Er liegt etwa 70 Kilometer südlich von Wien.  

Im Winter kann man am Semmering Ski fahren.  

Die Wiener lieben es, ihre Zeit auf dem Semmering zu verbringen.  

Die Pisten sind leicht und machen Spaß.  

Der Semmering ist auch ein Zentrum für Kultur.  

Am Semmering gibt es ein sehr gutes Theater. 

Der Semmering ist auch ein toller Ort zum Wandern. 

Man kann stundenlang wandern. 

Und wenn man hungrig ist?  

Kein Problem.  

Am Semmering gibt es viele gute Lokale. 

Günstig und preiswert. 

Für jeden etwas dabei.

Sugested Solutions

There are many people in the park today.  It's a beautiful day for a walk.  And, the weather's going to stay fine for the next few days.  We are planning a trip.  A day out to the Semmering.  The Semmering is a beautiful area.  It lies around 70 killometres to the south of Vienna.  One can ski on the Semmering in winter.  The Viennese love spending their time skiing on the Semmering.  The slopes are easy and fun.  The Semmering is also a centre for culture.  The Semmering has a very fine theatre. The Semmering is also a great place for hiking. One can hike for hours and hours. And, when one is hungry?  No problem.  The Semmering has many fine places to eat. Cheap and expesive. Something for everyone. 

The Ice Cream Boat

Greek islands are famous for very many things. The turtles that lay their eggs on the shore, the soft sandy beaches, and the tasty Greek food. And, there is one more thing, too. The ice cream boat.
The ice cream boat is a mobile floating ice cream shop that goes from island to island. It is very popular. The ice cream boat sells not only ice cream, it sells soft drinks, sandwiches, and mineral water as well.
And, little Susie? Her favourite ice cream is strawberry ice cream. And, Greek strawberry ice cream is the best in the world. Little Susie loves Greece.

Das Eiscreme-Boot

Griechische Inseln sind für sehr viele Dinge berühmt. Die Schildkröten, die ihre Eier an der Küste ablegen, die weichen Sandstrände und das leckere griechische Essen. Und es gibt noch eine weitere Besonderheit. Das Eiscreme-Boot.    Das Eiscreme-Boot ist ein mobiler schwimmender Eisladen, der von Insel zu Insel fährt. Es ist sehr beliebt. Auf dem Eisboot wird nicht nur Eis verkauft, sondern auch Erfrischungsgetränke, Sandwiches und Mineralwasser.      Und die kleine Susie? Ihr Lieblingseis ist Erdbeereis. Und das griechische Erdbeereis ist das beste der Welt. Die kleine Susie liebt Griechenland.

How clever are you?   This week's short quiz    Good Luck!

What is the German name for the Baltic Sea?

Where is the Baltic Sea?

Which countries lie on the Baltic Sea?

What is the capital city of Finnland?

What was Henri Cartier-Bresson famous for?

Is a dalmation a dog or a cat?

Where did the name Scotch on the Rocks come from?

Was Prince Philip English or Greek?

A Short Listen for Fun!

The Green Children of Woolpit

This is a very strange story.  And, it's true!  YouTube recording with full text.  

Thank you for clicking, see you next week!



Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...