Thursday, 21 March 2024

Thursday the 21st of March, 2024


Simply translate into English,  suggested solutions belowe. Good luck!

Es ist mitten in der Nacht.  


Die frühen Morgenstunden.  

Ich bin wach.  

Ich kann nicht schlafen.  

Ich hatte einen schrecklichen Albtraum. 

In der Kneipe gab es kein Bier.  

Was soll ich tun?  

Soll ich aufstehen?   

Soll ich versuchen, wieder einzuschlafen? 

Ich stehe auf und schreibe eine Mail an meinen Bruder.  

Das hätte ich schon gestern tun sollen.  

Ich würde auch gerne in den Garten gehen.  

Aber es ist noch dunkel. 

Eine Tasse Kaffee wäre toll. 

Oder vielleicht eine schöne Tasse Tee.  

Aber auf jeden Fall kein Bier.

It's the middle of the night.  3 AM.  The small hours.  I am awake.  I can't sleep.  I had a terrible nightmare. The pub had no beer.  What shall I do?  Shall I get up?   Shall I try to get back to sleep? I will get up and write a mail to my brother.  I should have done it yesterday.  I would also like to go into the garden.  But, it's still dark.  A cup of coffee would be great. Or, maybe a nice cup of tea.  But, definately no beer.

Easy Quiz

Where is Cape Verdi?

Is Cape Verdi in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?

Is Cardif or Sydney the capital of Australia?

Is Kufstein in Lower Austria or Upper Austria?

Who wrote The Merry Widow?

When did Emperor Franz Josef die?

Who was the last emperor of Austria?

Where was Empress Elisabeth of Austria assasinated?

Who is the British prime minister?

Is Southern Comfort a medicine that is only taken in the south?

Karli Freund - A short story

Karli Freund is a carpenter, He works with wood. Karli Freund needs many different tools for his work.
He needs sawschiselsplanesdrillshammers, screwdrivers, and a lathe. Karli Freund also uses lots of sandpaper and glue.

Karli Freund makes window framesdoor frames and furniture in his workshop.

And, Karli loves his weekends as well. He has a very nice little wooden house in the Vienna Woods, which, by-the-way, he built himself!

Karli Freund is a carpenter. He loves his job very much.


built – gebaut (build/built/built)
by-the-way - übrigens
carpenter – Tischler
chisel – Meißel
different – verschieden
door frames – Türrahmen
drill – Bohrer
furniture – Möbel
glue - Klebstoff

lathe - Drehbank / Dressel (Öst.)
need – brauchen (need/needed/needed)
plane - Hobel

sandpaper – Schleifpapier
saw - Säge
screwdriver – Schraubenzieher
tools – Werkzeug
window frames – Fensterrahmen
wooden - hölzern
workshop - Werkstatt

1 – What tools does Karli Freund need for his job?
2 - Why does Karli Freund make in his workshop?
3 – What does Karli Freund do at weekends?
4 – Where is Karli Freund's little wooden house?
5 – Who built Karli Freund's little wooden house?
6 – Who chose the furniture?
7 - Why is wood beautiful?

Recording with full text.

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Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...