Simply translate into English and Scroll down for suggested solutions. Good Luck!
Heute ist ein sehr wichtiger Tag.
Es ist der österreichische Nationalfeiertag.
Gregor ist mit seiner Frau ausgegangen.
Sie sind in das Zentrum von Wien gegangen.
Auf den Heldenplatz.
Auf dem Heldenplatz gibt es viel zu sehen.
Soldaten und noch mehr Soldaten.
Panzer und Kanonen.
Hubschrauber und Pferde.
2 oder 3 Atombomben.
Wurstel Stände und Kebab Stande.
Ein sehr großes Bierzelt.
Alles, was Gregor liebt.
Gregor war früher bei der Armee.
Damals war er noch jung.
Heute ist ein ganz besonderer Tag.
Gregor und seine Frau essen im Bierzelt zu Mittag.
Brathendel, Pommes und Salat.
Und natürlich zwei, drei Krügeln.
Der 26. Oktober.
Ein besonderer Tag für Österreich.
Today is a very impotant day. It's the Austrian national holday. Gregor has gone out with his wife. They have gone to the centre of Vienna.The Heldenplatz. There is much to see at the Heldenplatz. Soldiers and more soldiers. Tanks and guns. Helicopters and horses. 2 or 3 atom bombs. Sausage stands and Kebab stands. A very big beer tent. Everything that Gregor loves. Gregor used to be in the army. He was young in those days. Today is a very special day. Gregor and his wife are having lunch in the beer tent. Fried chicken, chips, and salad. And, of course, two or three beers. The 26th of October. A special day for Austria.
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The Farm at Lane's End
The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave. In this chapter, Andrew is selling a tractor. For the characters in this story, please click here
Key words and phrases
Rolling in money means you are very, very rich.
Rip off - When you rip someone off you cheat them financially. You charge them too much for something. a
Every trick in the box. If someone knows every trick in the box they are bad. They know many different ways of doing something bad or criminal.
Why did Andy phone Farmer Ken?
How much did Farmer Ken want to charge Andy for the tractor?
What was Andy's plan for the tractor?
Why is Andy rolling in money?
Why was 700 pounds for the tractor a rip off?
Who was Dave going to phone to help get the tractor working?
How was Jean going to help with the tractor?
Why do you believe that Farmer Ken is an honest man?
Would you buy a second hand car from Farmer Ken?
Why is there nothing nicer nicer than a nice cup of tea?
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