Thursday 5 September 2024

Friday the 6th of September, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Have fun and good luck!

Letzten Samstagabend hatten Gregor und seine Frau eine Dinnerparty.  

Gregor und seine Frau haben gerne Gäste zum Abendessen.  

Gregor und seine Frau sind perfekte Gastgeber. 

Gregors Frau ist eine sehr gute Köchin.  

Gregor ist sehr gut im Öffnen von Flaschen.  

Letzten Samstag haben sie 6 sehr gute Freunde zum Essen eingeladen.  

Wie immer hat Gregor das ganze Gespräch geführt.  

Das war nicht sehr gut.  

Eigentlich war es langweilig.  

Nach dem wunderbaren Essen gingen alle so schnell wie möglich. 

Gregor ging ins Bett.  

Gregors Frau räumte auf.  

Auch Gregors Bruder genoss es, gute Freunde zum Abendessen zu haben. 

Gregors Bruder gingen schnell die Freunde aus. 

Jetzt ist Gregors Bruder im Gefängnis.  

Gefängnisessen statt guter Freunde!

Last Saturday evening, Gregor and his wife had a dinner party.  Gregor and his wife enjoy having guests for dinner.  Gregor and his wife are pefect hosts. Gregor's wife is a very good cook.  Gregor is very good at opening bottles.  Last Saturday, they invited 6 very good friends for dinner.  As usual, Gregor did all the talking.  This was not very good.  In fact, it was boring.  After the wonderful meal, everyone left as quickly as possible. Gregor went to bed.  Gregor's wife cleaned up.  Gregor's brother also enjoyed having good friends for dinner. Gregor's brother quickly ran out of friends. Now, Gregor's brother is in prison.  Prison food instead of good friends!

+ + + + + + + +

 The Farm at Lane's End

For the characters in this story, please click here

Chapter 17

Key Words

Pastel colours - Pastel colours are soft shades of colours.  Pastel colours show moods such as optimismus,  joy, peace, and innocence.

Incredible - Incredible means almost impossible to believe.  An incredible story, for example.

A table cloth is a cloth that protects the surface of a table. 

Friends in common are friends that other people you know know as well.

Knives, forks, and spoons are words you should know as well.


What is Claire's proffesion?

Are Claire's paintings oil or water colours?

Where did Claire study art?

Why do you like pastel colours?

What did Claire cook for dinner?

What was Dave's reaction when he saw Claire's table?

What kind of music does Dave prefer?

What kind of music does Claire love?

What did Dave and Claire discuss over dinner?

Is Edinburgh the capital city of Wales or Ireland?

What time did Dave arrive home from Claire's?

Click here for all chapters so far.

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck! Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu...