Thursday 4 July 2024

Thursday the 4th of July, 2024.


Animal Lovers on their Way to the Zoo

Simply translate into English, then scroll down for suggested solutions. Good Luck!

Ich war letzte Woche im Zoo.  

Ich mag Tiere sehr.  

Vor allem Löwen und Tiger.  

Gregors Frau arbeitet im Zoo. 

In der Gorilla-Abteilung.  

Gregors Frau hat einen sehr guten Job. 

Sie beginnt jeden Morgen um 6 Uhr. 

Gregors Frau verkleidet sich dann als Gorilla.  

Sie hat ein schönes Gorillakostüm. 

Gregors Frau sieht genauso aus wie ein echter Gorilla. 

Der Job von Gregors Frau ist ein sehr einfacher Job. 

Sie muss nur in einem Käfig sitzen und den Leuten zuwinken. 

Die Menschen winken zurück. 

Fütterungszeit ist jeden Tag um 4 Uhr. 

Viele Leute sehen gerne zu, wie Gregors Frau gefüttert wird. 

Jeden Tag das Gleiche. 

Ein riesiges Bündel Bananen.  

Alle lieben Gregors Frau.  

Der beste Gorilla der Welt

I went to the zoo last week.  I really like animals.  Espeacially lions and tigers.  Gregor's wife works in the zoo. In the gorilla department.  Gregor's wife has a very good job. She starts every morning at 6.  Gregor's wife then dresses up as a gorilla.  She has a beautiful gorilla costume. Gregor's wife looks just like a real gorilla. Gregor's wife's job is a very easy job. All she has to do is sit in a cage and wave to the. people. The people wave back. Feeding time is at 4 every day. Many people enjoy watching Gregor's wife being fed. The same every day. A giant bunch of bananas.  Everyone loves Gregor's wife.  The best gorilla on earth

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The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 13

Key Words

How about you?  What would you like (to drink)?

Elevenses - A short coffee break at around 11 a.m.  Usually with a biscuit.

A stick in the mud is a very boring and dull person.

Glued to the box.  This is about a person who spends all their time watching TV.

For some strange reason is the same as saying I don't understand the reason.

As poor as a church mouse talks about someone who is very, very poor.  (idiom)


Where are Ken, Jean, and Dave having elevenses?

What will happen if Dave has too many chocolate biscuits?

Who did Jean want to invite for Sunday lunch?

What has Sydney become?

What does Sydney spend most of his time doing?

What was the worst thing for Sydney?

What was Syd's job?

How was Dave's singing lesson?

What is Sally interested in?

What has Farmer Ken ordered?

Why did Farmer Ken order a helicopter?

Is Farmer Ken as poor as a church mouse?

Collecting Time

Time is something that never stops still. Sometimes it crawls and sometimes it races. But, for Andrew J. Roberts, time is a wonderful hobby. His collection of clocks is the finest I've seen.

In his collection, which numbers almost 1000, Andrew J. Roberts has many interesting chronometers. He has grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, mantelpiece clocks, kitchen clocks, and many other fascinating clocks from all over the world. And, all together, they're worth a small fortune. But, Andrew J. Roberts's favourite time keeping device has neither hands nor a digital display. Andrew J. Roberts's favourite time keeping device is something he couldn't do with out. It's an egg-timer. An hourglass from Egypt with Saharian sand.

When Andrew J. Roberts moved into his very first house, his granny was the first to come calling. And, being a sensible woman, the egg-timer was the present she gave him. And, Andrew J. Roberts found it easy to use. He soon got the hang of it. No winding up and no batteries to change. All very simple. Just a flick of the wrist, that's all. And, after 35 years, this wonderful very old device still keeps perfect time. And, thanks to advanced Egyptian technology, Andrew J. Roberts's soft boiled eggs are always delicious. Never too hard and never too soft. Just perfect.

Andrew J. Roberts is a collector of clocks. He has much time on his hands. But, most people say he has a bit of a tick! He gets wound up very quickly. Just like his clocks. But, just like his egg timer,
Andrew J. Roberts keeps perfect time. He never comes late. And, just like his eggs, he's neither too soft nor too hard. Just right for cracking. And, a pinch of salt is all that is needed.

And, do you have a tick, too? Do you collect stamps?

Collecting's a wonderful way of passing one's time. Just ask Andrew J. Roberts, he has time on his hands and, of course, on his walls. And, time never stands still.

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck! Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu...