Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions. Good luck!
Ich brauche dringend ein paar neue Hemden.
Meine Frau ist auf den Markt gegangen.
Ich kaufe alle meine neuen Hemden auf dem Markt.
Ich brauche auch ein paar neue Socken.
Der Markt ist auch der beste Platz für Socken.
Die meisten Menschen tragen jeden Tag zwei Socken.
Eine am linken Fuß.
Und eine am rechten Fuß.
Manche Leute tragen im Sommer nie Socken.
Am Strand ist es meistens zu heiß.
Ich war letztes Jahr in Griechenland.
Die einzigen, die am Strand Socken trugen, waren die Briten.
Das ist nicht sehr überraschend.
Die Briten haben keine wirkliche Vorstellung davon, wie man sich richtig anzieht.
An der Spitze der Liste stehen die Franzosen.
An zweiter Stelle stehen die Italiener.
Und die Österreicher?
Die Österreicher machen den besten Wein und das beste Bier.
Und wer macht die besten Schnitzel?
Das müssen Sie selbst beantworten.
I badly need some new shirts. My wife has gone to the market, I get all my new shirts from the market. I also need some new socks. The market is also the best place for socks. Most people wear two socks every day. One on the left foot. One on the right foot. Some people never wear socks in the summer. It is usually too hot on the beach. I went down to Greece last year. The only people wearing socks on the beach were the British. That's not very surprising. The British have no real idea of good dressing. At the top of the list are the French. The Italians are second. And, the Austrians? The Austrians make the best wine and beer. And, who makes the best Schnitzels? This you must answer yourself.
Paris Maderna
In those days, Paris Maderna was a colourful character. He was young, and not so much an inventor but a reinventor of things that had already been invented. And, when I got to know him he was busy reinventing the bike. And, one of his new ideas was not only brilliant, but rather unusual as well.
Paris Maderna's new bike looked more like a bed with three wheels than a bike. And, to ride it, one had to lie in it, not sit on it, and the pedals were up at the front and coupled to the front single wheel. And, riding it, Paris Maderna promised, was not only simple, but comfortable, too. And, I will never forget the day that I saw it in action.
To begin with, Paris Maderna explained how it worked. To steer to the right, one had to lean to the right, and vice-versa for left. There was no other way. The bike had neither steering wheel norhandlebars and to stop, one had to simply stop pedalling. It was all very simple. And, then with a smile and a grin Paris Maderna lowered himself into his bike and got ready for action.
And soon he was moving at speed. And then, at just the right distance from the fast approachingconcrete wall, Paris Maderna leaned to the right. Nothing. The bike kept on going. Paris Maderna then leaned to the left. Again nothing. And then, with one last desperate effort, Paris Maderna leaned again to the right. And, the bike started turning. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Too late! The wall had been quicker than Paris Maderna, and the sound of the crash told it all. All we had to do was help Paris Maderna out of the wreckage and take him up the road for a beer.
But, of course, Paris Maderna didn't give up and soon he was back on the road with another idea. And now, all these years later, his range of products is not only exciting, but varied as well. The new age of cycling is with us and the hard work and peddling has been done by Paris Maderna! Persistence pays off and Paris Maderna has peddled to the top in a colourful way.
Paris Maderna – a colourful person with a range of colourful products.
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