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Am Donnerstagmorgen besuchte ich Lisl.
Wir saßen in Lisls wunderschönem Garten.
Wir plauderten über alles und jedes.
Wir genossen eine schöne Tasse Kaffee und einen Kuchen.
Der Garten von Lisl ist sehr interessant.
Sie hat viele verschiedene Pflanzen und Bäume.
Wir saßen im Schatten eines alten Apfelbaums.
Lisl liebt Tiere.
Sie hat zwei sehr alte Katzen.
Dieses Jahr ist Ivan, Lisls alter rothaariger Kater, fast gestorben.
Ivan war fast zwei Wochen lang in einem Keller eingesperrt.
Ivan hat Glück, dass er noch am Leben ist.
In Lisl's Garten lebt auch ein Fuchs.
Der Fuchs und die Katzen sind sehr gute Freunde.
Sie spielen oft zusammen in der Sonne.
Natürlich gibt es auch viele andere Tiere.
Schnecken und Nacktschnecken.
Mäuse und Ratten.
Eichhörnchen und Wiesel.
Lisl hat auch drei Bienenstöcke.
Ihr Honig ist köstlich.
On Thursday morning, I went to see Lisl. We sat in Lisl's wonderful garden. We chatted about everything and anything. We enjoyed a nice cup of coffee and a cake. Lisl's garden is very interesting. She has many different plants and trees. We sat in the shade of an old apple tree. Lisl loves animals. She has two very old cats. This year Ivan, Lisl's old ginger cat nealy died. Ivan was locked in a cellar for almost two weeks. Ivan is lucky to be alive. A fox also lives in Lisl's garden. The fox and the cats are very good friends. They often play together in the sun. Of course, there are many other animals, too. Slugs and snails. Mice and rats. Squirels and weasels. Lisl has three bee hives as well. Her honey is delicious.
The Farm at Lane's End Chapter 12
Key Words
Tasty - delicious A tasty piece of cake. A delicious meal.
Decide - to make a decision. To say what you want.
To go for - (idiom) - A decision To decide on something. I'm going for a beer.
A dead heat - (idiom) Competition, race, comparison - When two players have the same chance. The race was a dead heat between John and Simon.
The sky's the limit- no limits - you can do what you want.
In which tearoom are Ken, Jean, and Dave?
How many tearooms are in Tootenhoe?
Is the Bluebird better than the Happy Snake?
Are scones served with plumb jam?
Is Dave enjoying his singing lessons?
What is Sally teaching Dave next week?
Is Dave a talented singer?
How many people are on Jean's invitation list for grandma's birthday party?
Who is England playing in the European cup?
Which team is going to win?
Is Jean sure about England's victory?
Has Austria a good football team?
Hansi Seiler
One day, Hansi Seiler, a good friend of mine, decided to move. He'd had enough of the view and fancied a change. And, then, after some looking, Hansi Seiler found a nice flat in a nice part of town, Vienna's 3rd district.
And so, Hansi Seiler moved flat. And, 3 months later decided to have a house-warming party. A select dinner for close drinking friends and his mother. And, the invitations went out.
Now, dinner parties involve organization. Hansi made lists, borrowed chairs from his brother, and the Gasthaus where he went everyday lent him the glasses and plates. And, then the great day arrived.
Hansi got up and went shopping, and his afternoon was spent making salads, peeling potatoes, putting beer and wine in the bath tub to cool, and generally doing what had to be done. And, then at 8 on the dot, we arrived.
But, there was no smell of cooking and no drink to say welcome. Hansi told us to keep our coats on. We were all going out! Why, we all wanted to know!
The reason was simple. The time had arrived for Hansi to put the meat in the oven and the rice on to cook. So far – so good. But, then came the surprise. It was then, 3 months after moving in, that Hansi discovered his stove didn't work. A tragedy?
Not really. Hansi gave the food to his mother to freeze and off we all went to the Gasthaus. And there we stayed and had fun for the rest of the evening. Full circle again! There are places one can't get away from.
But, of course, Hansi bought a new stove and was happy. But, Hansi still hasn't used it. Cooking was never for Him. But, who knows? Celebrations can sometimes come out of the blue, and, maybe, one day, Hansi will need his new stove. But, there will be a difference. Hansi's stove definitely works! But, will he know how? Which knob for this and which knob for that? And, the oven?
The Gasthaus will always be better. We are, after all, creatures of habit!
Hansi Seiler, a man of good heart who moved flat and tried to cook a nice meal. But, never again. The Gasthaus will always be better!
Hansi and his party - An evening that was never meant to be!
Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions. Good luck!
Ich brauche dringend ein paar neue Hemden.
Meine Frau ist auf den Markt gegangen.
Ich kaufe alle meine neuen Hemden auf dem Markt.
Ich brauche auch ein paar neue Socken.
Der Markt ist auch der beste Platz für Socken.
Die meisten Menschen tragen jeden Tag zwei Socken.
Eine am linken Fuß.
Und eine am rechten Fuß.
Manche Leute tragen im Sommer nie Socken.
Am Strand ist es meistens zu heiß.
Ich war letztes Jahr in Griechenland.
Die einzigen, die am Strand Socken trugen, waren die Briten.
Das ist nicht sehr überraschend.
Die Briten haben keine wirkliche Vorstellung davon, wie man sich richtig anzieht.
An der Spitze der Liste stehen die Franzosen.
An zweiter Stelle stehen die Italiener.
Und die Österreicher?
Die Österreicher machen den besten Wein und das beste Bier.
Und wer macht die besten Schnitzel?
Das müssen Sie selbst beantworten.
I badly need some new shirts. My wife has gone to the market, I get all my new shirts from the market. I also need some new socks. The market is also the best place for socks. Most people wear two socks every day. One on the left foot. One on the right foot. Some people never wear socks in the summer. It is usually too hot on the beach. I went down to Greece last year. The only people wearing socks on the beach were the British. That's not very surprising. The British have no real idea of good dressing. At the top of the list are the French. The Italians are second. And, the Austrians? The Austrians make the best wine and beer. And, who makes the best Schnitzels? This you must answer yourself.
Paris Maderna
In those days, Paris Maderna was a colourful character. He was young, and not so much an inventor but a reinventor of things that had already been invented. And, when I got to know him he was busy reinventing the bike. And, one of his new ideas was not only brilliant, but rather unusual as well.
Paris Maderna's new bike looked more like a bed with three wheels than a bike. And, to ride it, one had to lie in it, not sit on it, and the pedals were up at the front and coupled to the front single wheel. And, riding it, Paris Maderna promised, was not only simple, but comfortable, too. And, I will never forget the day that I saw it in action.
To begin with, Paris Maderna explained how it worked. To steer to the right, one had to lean to the right, and vice-versa for left. There was no other way. The bike had neither steering wheel norhandlebars and to stop, one had to simply stop pedalling. It was all very simple. And, then with a smile and a grin Paris Maderna lowered himself into his bike and got ready for action.
And soon he was moving at speed. And then, at just the right distance from the fast approachingconcrete wall, Paris Maderna leaned to the right. Nothing. The bike kept on going. Paris Maderna then leaned to the left. Again nothing. And then, with one last desperate effort, Paris Maderna leaned again to the right. And, the bike started turning. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Too late! The wall had been quicker than Paris Maderna, and the sound of the crash told it all. All we had to do was help Paris Maderna out of the wreckage and take him up the road for a beer.
But, of course, Paris Maderna didn't give up and soon he was back on the road with another idea. And now, all these years later, his range of products is not only exciting, but varied as well. The new age of cycling is with us and the hard work and peddling has been done by Paris Maderna! Persistence pays off and Paris Maderna has peddled to the top in a colourful way.
Paris Maderna – a colourful person with a range of colourful products.
Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.
Ich lese gerade ein sehr gutes Buch.
Ein Buch über die Geschichte von Ungarn.
Viele neue Dinge.
Dinge, die ich nicht wusste.
Sehr große Überraschungen.
Sogar einige interessante Überraschungen.
Nächste Woche fahre ich nach Budapest.
Ich fahre mit dem Zug.
Ich reise am Freitag.
Der Zug fährt um 11 Uhr ab.
Die Fahrt nach Budapest dauert 3 Stunden.
Ich treffe mich mit Freunden in Budapest.
Auf dem Platz vor dem Parlament um 20 vor 4.
Wir haben viel zu besprechen.
Später gehen wir zum Abendessen aus.
In einem sehr schönen Restaurant.
Ich mag das ungarische Essen sehr.
Mein Zug zurück nach Wien fährt um 22.50 Uhr.
I'm reading a very good book right now. A book about the history of Hungary. Many new things. Things I never knew. Very big surprises. Even some interesting surprises. Next week I'm going to Budapest. I'm going by train. I'm travelling on Friday. The train leaves at 11 o. clock. It's a 3 hour run down to Budapest. I'm meeting some friends in Budapest. In front of the parliement at 20 to 4. We have much to discuss. Later on, we are going out for dinner. To a very nice restaurant. I really love Hungarian food. My train back to Vienna leaves at 22.50.
An Easy Story
A Lazy Toorington Weekend!
This weekend was a very slow weekend. We had a lazy time. We spent most of our time in the garden. A little bit here and a little bit there. Nothing special.
But, the grill on Saturday evening was great. Two beautiful steaks. We bought them at the butchers on Saturday morning. And, the wine came from The Toorington Wine Bar. Very good and a very good price. Only 10 pounds a bottle.
After dinner we watched Grafenegg on TV. Live from Austria. Buchbinder was playing. A sensational concert. Brilliant as usual. One day, we are definitely going to Grafenegg. I love the atmosphere. Classic and fine.
And, what's planned for next week? We are meeting Mick of the Toorington theatre club. See you next week.
Vocabulary -
lazy . .
spent . . .
definately . . .
Christian Rinder
Christian Rinder
Coming-homes are possibly the shortest and sweetest moments of all. Coming-homes are things to look forward to, moments to dream of, and things to hope and pray for as well. And, coming-homes are seldom forgotten. But, there are special coming-homes that happen only once. And, Christian Rinder never forgot his coming-home from war.
It was a hot summer day as Christian Rinder came up the road. It was a long road. And, being back where he was was something he'd never imagined. For him, and millions of others as well, still being alive was a question of chance. And, Christian Rinder had had a very hard war. He had survived Holland, Belgium, and Stalingrad, too. And now, all that mattered was home. And, when he got home the door was wide open. And, there was his mother. She was down on her knees and washing the floor.
And, Christian Rinder just stopped. And, then his mother looked up. And, she froze. This was a moment she had never expected. But, before she could reach him, she fainted. And, he caught her. And, then she fainted again. And, when she came round she was in her son's arms. This was a moment she had never dared dream of. A dream had come true without being a dream.
Coming-homes are beautiful moments. But, the ones that come out of the blue are the nicest and sweetest of all, and, when Christian's girlfriend Lucy arrived it made the moment complete. Coming home is all about those who are waiting. Coming home is the nicest of all!
The Sweetest Moments of All – Christian Rinder
Christian Rinder
The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 10
Key Words
Favour - when you do someone a favour, you do something that will help them.
To drop by - This means to visit someone for a short time.
Whilst you are at it - this means you could do something else that's similar at the same time.
Spill the beans - this means to tell all. To tell everything about it. To talk about it.
To put on one's thinking cap - this means you will think about it,
Simply translate into English, suggested solutions at the end. Good Luck!
Das Wetter in Deutschland war schrecklich.
Sehr viel Regen.
Schwere Überschwemmungen in Bayern.
Viele Menschen sind obdachlos.
In Österreich ist es nicht so schlimm gewesen.
Nur sehr hohes Wasser in der Donau.
Aber nichts Ernstes.
Wie wird das Wetter im Juli und August sein?
Nicht zu viel Regen und nicht zu viel Sonne.
Wir können nur das Beste hoffen.
Großbritannien hat einen schrecklichen Sommer.
Aber zu viel Regen ist in Großbritannien normal.
Aber der Regen ist nicht unser einziges Problem.
In der Türkei gibt es Erdbeben. Es gibt Vulkane in Italien.
In Spanien gibt es Dürreperioden.
Aber sehen wir es von der positiven Seite.
Welche gute Seite?
Bitte sagen Sie es mir.
There has been terrible weather in Germany. Very much rain. Severe flooding in Bavaria. Many people homless. Things haven't been so bad in Austria. Only very high water in the Danube. But, nothing serious. What will the weather be like in July and August? Not too much rain and not too much sun. We can only hope for the best. Great Britain is having a terrible summer. But, too much rain is normal in Britain. But, rain isn't our only problem. There are earthquakes in Turky. There are volcanoes in Italy. There are droughts in Spain. But, let's look on the bright side. Which bright side? Please let me know.
+ + + + + + +
The Toorington Newsagent's
Alison and Trevor run the Toorington Newsagent's. And, this too, is a very essential shop. In Britain, newsagent's don't only sell newspapers. Newsagent's sell cigarettes, magazines, stationary, birthday cards, wedding cards, and greeting cards, too. One can buy many other things as well. One can find balls of string, scissors, paper hats, and diaries and calenders, too.
Alison and Trevor open at 5 every morning. Early risers need their daily newspapers, and many need cigarettes as well. Everyone needs the newsagents.
Alsion and Trevor Hughes. The Toorington newsagent's.
+ + + + + +
The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 9
Key Words
By the way - means incidentally or in passing. Something that is not connected to the subject being discussed.
A lift is when someone takes you with them in their car. Would you like a lift to the Women's Institute? Can I give you a lift home?
To look forward to something means to be happy or excited about something that is going to happen.
What a nerve is to say something or do something you shouldn't do or say.
The lessons are two readings from the Bible read in church. One from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.
Listen to the text
What is Jean cooking for breakfast?
Where and when is Dave meeting cousin Jane?
Who is giving Jean a lift to the Women's Institute?