Friday, 31 May 2024

Friday the 31st of May, 2024

The Viennese enjoying the Alte Donau

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.

Gestern war ein Feiertag.  


Wir hatten einen wunderbaren Tag. 

Wir hatten Besuch.  

Meine Nichte Natalie und ihr Mann Tom.  

Natalie und Tom haben uns zum Mittagessen eingeladen.  

In das Belvedere.  

Das Restaurant war sehr touristisch. 

Das Essen war okay.  

Nichts Besonderes. 

Nach dem Essen gingen wir in den Botanischen Garten. 

So schön wie immer.  

Dann haben wir uns auf den Weg zur Landstraße gemacht. 

Wir haben die S Bahn genommen. 

An der Landstraße haben wir Kaffee getrunken. 

Im Café Oberla.  

Die besten Torten der Welt.  

Der Kaffee war auch sehr gut.  

Ein perfekter Tag.

Yesterday was a public holiday.  Corpus Christi.  We had a wonderful day. We had visitors.  My Niece Natalie and her husband Tom.  Natalie and Tom took us for lunch.  To the Belvedere.  The restaurant was very touristy. The food was OK.  Nothing special. We went to the Botanical Gardens after lunch. As beautiful as ever.  Then we made our way to the Landstraße. We took the S Bahn. At the Landstraße we had coffee. At the Oberla Café.  The best cakes in the world.  The coffe, too, was great.  A perfect day.

Short Story

Great British Mugs

Mugs are a British tradition. They are very, very popular. There is a mug for every occasion.

And, the most popular mugs of all show the British Royal Family. Every royal event has its own special mug.

There are, of course, many other designs, too. Every football club has a mug with its badge. Every castle has its own mug with its flag. And, every flower, tree, bird and insect has a mug, too. Mugs are very good fun. Many people collect them.

Mugs are a very big part of everyday British life!

badge - Abzeichen
collect – sammeln
event – Ereignisse
everybody – jede
everyday – tagtäglich
favourite - lieblings
flag – Fahne
its – sein/e ihr/e
mug - Becher/Häferl
occasion – Anlass
of all – von allem
of course – natürlich
popular – beliebt
Royal – königliche
there are – es sind
there is – es gibt
too – auch


Have you got a mug?
What are the most popular mugs in Britain?
Why do the British love mugs?
What kind of mug would you like?
What do you think of mugs?
What advantages do mugs have?
Why are mugs the perfect Christmas present?

* * * * * * *

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 8

Key Words
Shandy - A shandy is a beer with lemonade.
The wrong end of the stick  - if you get hold of the wrong end of the stick you misunderstand.
A good egg is a good man, a good sport.
When someone goes on means they can't stop speaking.


Where did Dave meet Jane?
Was Jane punctual?
What did Jane drink?
Did Jane's mum get the wrong end of the stick?
Who ditched who?
What did Jane find when she got home?
Who joined Dave and Jane in the pub?
Why did Uncle Andy phone Uncle Ken?
How much profit did Farmer Ken make?
Where is mum going?
What happens at the Women's Institute?

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Thursday the 30th of May, 2024


We will be back tomorrow.  Our next issue will be here after lunch on Friday the 31st of May.  We are looking forward to seeing you.  Have a nice evening.  LG

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Thursday the 23rd of May, 2024


The Rail Jet arriving in Vienna

We are back!  The Farm at Lane's End, a short story, and sentences to translate into English. Have fun and good luck.

Heute ist Sonntag.  

Wir sind wieder in Wien.  

Wir sind gestern Abend aus Ungarn zurückgekommen.  

Wir hatten eine sehr angenehme Reise. 

Wir sind mit dem Bus um 16.00 Uhr von Veszprem nach Gyor gefahren. 

In Gyor sind wir in den Zug umgestiegen.  

Mit dem Rail Jet um 19.00 Uhr nach München.  

Ein sehr bequemer Zug. 

Ein sehr schneller Zug.  

Wir erreichten Wien in 45 Minuten. 

In Wien angekommen, fuhren wir mit der U1 bis zum Stephansplatz.  

Dort sind wir in die U3 umgestiegen.  

Wir stiegen in Hütteldorf aus. 

Dann ein 5-minütiger Spaziergang zu unserer Wohnung. 

Wir waren froh, zu Hause zu sein.

It's Sunday today.  We're back in Vienna.  We got back from Hungary last night.  We had a very pleasant journey. We took the 16.00 bus from Veszprem to Gyor. We changed to the train at Gyor.  The 19.00 Rail Jet to Munich.  A very comfortable train. A very fast train.  We reached Vienna in 45 minutes. Upon reaching Vienna, we took the U1 to Stephan's Platz.  There we changed to the U3.  We alighted at Hütteldorf. Then a 5 minute walk to our flat. We were happy to be home.


This Week's Short Story - Carnival Talent

Last night, a story stepped out from the back of my mind. It was all about one of those amusing little corners of life.  It took place a long time ago. This is what happened.

My son, Maxi was at primary school in Vienna. And the school was holding its number 1 party.   Its carnival party. And, the best part of this party was the talent competition. 32 kids had signed up to take part. The prizes were very, very good.

The hall was packed.  Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and other good friends. Everyone there was excited.  Which little darling would win?  Who would go home with first prize?

Little Susie was first on the stage. Her song was as good as expected.  She performed it well in a well practiced little school girl way. Then came little Martin, then sweet little  Sarah, then, Marlene of 4a, and so-on and so-on. .And all of them sang the very same song!  

With ten songs to go, the mood of the audience was beginning to wither.  Every song was  the same.  All very boring.  Then came Christine.  She had  something different to sing. A sigh of relief could be heard. The audience stopped being bored.

But the dawn was only short lived.  After Christina had finished, the show went on as before! The very same song.  Again and again and again.  When would it finish?

But, everything comes to an end.  Every sweet little child was given a book as a prize.  Not Christina.  Her prize was special.  She took home two books for being original.

All in all, the kids were all happy. They had taken their chance to show off and had all done it well, Only one had been different. Christina. And that’s what talent shows are.  Moments in life that are not only painful, but also very good fun.  Your own flesh and blood is always the best, the others have no chance at all.

A talent show that came out of the past.

+ + + 

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 7 - A Broken Heart

First listen to key words, then listen to text, then answer the questions,  GOOD LUCK

Key Words 

To pop somewhere - to go somewhere quickly

Wellies - wellington boots - rubber boots

Your old man is your husband

I could eat a horse - I am very hungry

To ditch someone is to kick them out - to end a relationship

I'll be all ears - to give someone full attention


Where was mum when Dave got home?

What was mum cooking?

Why had Farmer Ken gone to the village?

Who had mum been speaking to on the phone?

What was aunty Sally's bad news?

Was Dave surprised?

What now will mum not need?

Will cousin Jane have to look for a new job?

What have Dave and Cousin Jane agreed to do?

Who had Farmer Ken forgotten to phone?


Thursday, 16 May 2024

We are on Holiday!

Wir sind im Urlaub!  Die nächste Ausgabe von English Warm-ups erscheint am Donnerstag, den 23. Mai. Genießen Sie Ihr Pfingstfest.  Bis bald.  Alles Gute, Nigel A. JAMES

We are on holiday!  The next issue of English Warm-ups will appear on Thursday the 23rd of May. Enjoy your Whitsun, see you soon.  All the best, Nigel A.  JAMES

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Wednesday the 8th of April, 2024 - Let your English Fly!

Welcome to English Warm-ups.  Please scroll down for suggested solutions to English Warm-ups, a short story, and this week's edition of The Farm at Lane's End.  Enjoy your listening.

Was gibt es heute Abend im Fernsehen?  

Ich schaue in der Zeitung nach.  

Nur Krimis.  

Wie langweilig.  

Ist das alles?  

Ich fürchte, ja.  

Nicht mal ein Konzert?  

Oh, ich habe mich geirrt!  

Es gibt eine Oper auf ARTE.  

Sie beginnt um 20.15 Uhr.  

Welche Oper?  

"Der fliegende Holländer" von Wagner.    

Es ist von der Met in New York.  

Toll, können wir sie uns ansehen, bitte? 

Ja, natürlich.  

Oh, es gibt ein sehr gutes Programm im österreichischen Radio.  

Mahlers 5. Sinfonie.  

Ich würde Wagner vorziehen.  

Ich würde Mahler vorziehen.  

Und er würde einen Krimi vorziehen.

What's on tele tonight?  I'll look in the paper.  Only detective films.  How boring.  Is that all?  I'm afraid so.  Not even a concert?  Oh, I'm wrong!  There's an opera on ARTE.  It starts at 8.15.  Which one?  The Flying dutchman by Wagner.    It's from the Met in New York.  Great, can we watch it, please?  Of course.  Oh, there's a very good programme on Austrian radio.  Mahler's 5th symphony.  I'd prefer Wagner.  I'd prefer Mahler.  And, he'd prefer a detective film.

Language Tips - I'd stands for I would.  He'd  stands for he would.  I would prefer Wagner.  He would prefer a detective film.

English Warm-ups on YouTube

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A Short Story - Paradise Back  -   Recording at end.

One summer morning, Rebecca walked into her garden. It was a beautiful day. Sunshine, blue skies, colours and song. But, something was wrong. Paradise was hurting. No buzzing to be heard. 12 bees were all Rebecca could find. A tragedy. Something had to be done.

So shocked was Rebecca that she set about becoming a bee keeper. She would bring back the bees.

Rebecca started reading books, going on courses, watching videos, and, most importantly, getting to know other liked minded people. Rebecca found no shortage of help. Bee keepers are passionate people.

And, then, one day, came Rebecca's first hive and her very first swarm. This was a very special day. Friends in their thousands moved into her garden. And, these thousands of friends very quickly took over.

And, now, all these years later, there's a very big buzz in the air. And, the bees are happy as well. Rebecca has turned a very large part of her garden into a bed of wild flower beauty. Wild flowers make wonderful honey.

And, Rebecca has not only honey, she has wax and propolis, too. All wonderful natural gifts. Gifts that give light, heal, and keep hunger away. And, what could be better than a nice honey sandwich and a nice glass of mead?

And, at the end of each day, Rebecca goes into her garden and says thank you. Her very many very little friends do a wonderful job. Paradise is no longer hurting. Rebecca has brought back the bees. The days of only 12 bees are long, long ago.

Rebecca Hughes – Paradise Back.


. . .something  had to be done.

. . .she set about becoming a bee keeper.

mead.  . . . .

hurting . . . .

Click here to Listen to this article on YouTube with full text.

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The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 6

Listen to the key words, then listen to the text, and, finally, answer the questions.

Key Words

Fox den - where foxes  live. 

to turn in - to go to bed

in a jiffy - in a very short time.  I'll be back in a jiffy.

discharge papers - release documents from hospital - permission to go home.

to nip - to go quickly - I'll just nip next door.

Bangers and mash - sausages and mashed potatoes

sound asleep - fast asleep - sleeping deeply.

in the nick of time - at/ in  the very last moment

The Text


Where did Farmer Ken see a fox?

What do foxes like for dinner?

What was Dave's plan for Sunday lunch?

What did mum want help with at the hospital?

What did Farmer Ken and Dave bring with them for mum's luggage?

What did the nurse tell mum?

Why did mum need help going upstairs?

What did Farmer Ken forget to do in the bedroom?

What did Dave offer mum for lunch?

Did Farmer Ken forget to lock the chicken coop?

+ + + + + + + + 

Peter Rosegger and Old Kramer Teresa - A Mountain Childhood Story 

People enjoy looking forward to things that are special. Birthdays, Christmas, and other meaningful days. And, these moments of joy always involve other people. People who are special. And, in his book, *As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son, Peter Rosegger, the Austrian author, thinks kindly back to old Kramer Teresa. She was a very kind old lady and her visits to the Rosseger's farm in the mountains of Austria were moments that were never forgotten.

Old Kramer Teresa came twice a year. Once in the winter and again in the spring. Old Kramer Teresa came selling her goods. And, she carried on her back a kind of chest of drawers in the form of a ruck-sack. And, this chest of drawers on her back was a pack of surprises. And, arriving at the Rosseger's farm house, Old Kramer-Thresel would unpack her wares on the old kitchen table. The children's eyes then opened wide with delight. It was the same every time. This was a moment that didn't come often.

There were sweets to suck and enjoy, mouth-organs to play, brightly painted wooden spoons, tobacco to smoke, pocket knives for carving, small wooden horses on wheels, toy soldiers in colourful uniforms, and, many other things as well. Something for everyone. And, because each boy and girl had kept their promises to behave and be good, the rewards were not long in coming. Each child was given a gift of their very own choice. And, the children were happy and joyful.

And, everyone else was happy as well. Then, after a fine simple meal of sausage and bread, Teresa Kramer went on her way. Into the freshness of green in the spring, and, into the snow and the ice in the winter. And, as Old Kramer Teresa waved happily goodbye the waiting began once again.

Peter Rosegger was born in 1843 and died in 1918. In his book, “As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son”, Peter Rosegger describes his childhood in the mountains of Austria, His book is packed full of interesting stories and is a must for everyone interested in Austrian history.

Moments of magic always involve other people. People who are special. And, in those days, Teresa Kramer was a very special person in the mountains of Austria. A lady who called twice a year with her bag of surprises.

Peter Rosegger - As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son. A book that's well worth the read.

Peter Rosegger and Teresa Kramer – Growing up in the mountains of Austria

*German title – Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war – Peter Rosegger.


mouth-organs – Mundharmonika -
tobacco pipes – Tabakpfeife -
pocket knives , Taschenmesser -
buttons – Kopfe -
brightly painted wooden spoons - bunt bemalte Holzlöffel -
small wooden horses on wheels - kleine Holzpferde auf Rädern -
toy soldiers in colourful uniforms - Spielzeugsoldaten in bunten Uniformen

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Thursday the 2nd of May, 2024.

Selling ice cream in the Stadtpark in Vienna

Simply translate into English,  suggested solutions at the end. Scroll down for this week's edition of The Farm at Lane's End, and a short story.  Have lots of fun.

Ich habe eine Bibliothek. 

Eine sehr bescheidene Bibliothek.  

Nur etwa 5000 Bücher.  

Ich habe Bücher über Kunst. 

Ich habe eine große Sammlung von Werken berühmter Fotografen.  

Ich habe sehr viele Klassiker. 

Charles Dickens ist mein Favorit.  

Mein Lieblingsroman von Dickens ist Eine Geschichte aus zwei Städten. 

Ein großartiges Buch über die französische Revolution.  

Aber am meisten mag ich Biografien und Autobiografien. 

Ich habe viele.  

Gregor hat auch eine Bibliothek. 

Er hat drei Bücher in seiner Bibliothek.  

Eine Bibel, einen Atlas und ein Kochbuch.  

Gregor ist schlau.  

Seine Bücher sind alphabetisch geordnet. 

So findet er sie leicht, wenn er eines sucht.

I have a library. A very humble library.  Only about 5000 books.  I have books about art. I have a great collection of works by famous photographers.  I have very many classics. Charles Dickens is my favourite.  My favourite novel by Dickens is A Tale of Two Cities. A great book about the French revolution.  But, I love biographies and autobiographies the best. I have many.  Gregor also has a library. He has three books in his library.  A Bible,  an atlas, and a cookery book.  Gregor is clever.  His books are arranged alphabetically. Easy to find when he wants one.

Short Story - The 49er

The 49er is a small café in Vienna.  It's where the 49 tram goes back into town. And, this little café has stories to tell.

Last week, Liselotte Konrad, a regular 49er, told me the following story.  

It had just gone 11 when the old lady walked in. She wasn't alone. Behind her  was her very slow and very old dog. Could she  leave her dog in the café. Just for a while. Only 10 minutes? The waiter agreed. The old lady left her very old dog in a corner. It soon fell asleep.

The discussion  was heated. The regulars had all reached the age of knowing much better than everyone else. The old lady shouldn't be trusted. It was her trick to get rid of the dog. The old lady would never come back. And, just look at it. Filthy dirty old dog. Never been washed. And, it stinks! Disgusting. And, so the discussion continued.

Ten minutes later the old lady returned. There was silence. Lots of red faces. Embarrasment. The old lady took a seat by the window.  The waiter soon brought the old lady her order. Chocolate cake, whipped cream, and a coffee. The waiter  told the old lady  her dog had been perfect. No trouble at all. In fact, a very nice dog. No one disagreed. Everyone smiled. All very friendly. 

The old lady paid with a generous tip. She then walked out of the café, over the tracks, got on the tram, and went back to town.


while - kurzer Zeit

heated - heiss / unangenehm

regulars - Stamgäste

disgusting - ekelhaft

embarrasment - Verlegenheit

filthy - dreckig

generous - großzügig

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 5 - A series about life in the English countryside

Listen to the key words and  text,  then answer the questions. Good luck.

Key Words - 

Quid - a pound - That will cost you 5 quid. That will cost you 5 pounds.

Do the honours - do the job

Pub grub - pub meals

Disgusting  - very bad - repulsive

What's your poison? - what are you drinking?

A pint - a big beer

haddok and chips - fish and chips

landlady -  the owner of a pub - landlord if a man

I fancy - I fancy fish and chips - I feel like fish and chips - I'm in the mood for fish and chips

pulling a pint - to pump a beer up from the cask or barrel with a long handle on the bar

to take after someone (usually a parent or relative) - to be the same or similar.  She really takes after her mother.

to burn daylight - take advantage of the light. Make use of daylight.

skint - to have no money.  I'm skint. I have no money.

put on the slate - I will put your bill on the slate. To make a note of monies owed.


What does Aunty Becky order for lunch?

What was Dave's poison?

DId Aunty Becky say that Lasagne was Swedish?

What was very hard work for Aunty Becky when she worked for Raechel?

What was Aunty Sally's job at the pub?

Why did Farmer Ken want to go home?

Why couldn`t Dave pay the bill?

Did Aunty Becky pay the bill?

What did Raechel say about the bill?

How did Farmer Ken and Dave celebrate their wonderful day?

At what time are Farmer Ken and Dave picking up mum?

Listen here  to The Farm at Lane's End archive.  All Episodes so far.

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Thursday the 9th of January, 2024

Skating Home for Lunch Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.  Goos Luck! Gregor isst gerade zu Mittag.  Sei...