Friday 31 May 2024

Friday the 31st of May, 2024

The Viennese enjoying the Alte Donau

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Gestern war ein Feiertag.  


Wir hatten einen wunderbaren Tag. 

Wir hatten Besuch.  

Meine Nichte Natalie und ihr Mann Tom.  

Natalie und Tom haben uns zum Mittagessen eingeladen.  

In das Belvedere.  

Das Restaurant war sehr touristisch. 

Das Essen war okay.  

Nichts Besonderes. 

Nach dem Essen gingen wir in den Botanischen Garten. 

So schön wie immer.  

Dann haben wir uns auf den Weg zur Landstraße gemacht. 

Wir haben die S Bahn genommen. 

An der Landstraße haben wir Kaffee getrunken. 

Im Café Oberla.  

Die besten Torten der Welt.  

Der Kaffee war auch sehr gut.  

Ein perfekter Tag.

Yesterday was a public holiday.  Corpus Christi.  We had a wonderful day. We had visitors.  My Niece Natalie and her husband Tom.  Natalie and Tom took us for lunch.  To the Belvedere.  The restaurant was very touristy. The food was OK.  Nothing special. We went to the Botanical Gardens after lunch. As beautiful as ever.  Then we made our way to the Landstraße. We took the S Bahn. At the Landstraße we had coffee. At the Oberla Café.  The best cakes in the world.  The coffe, too, was great.  A perfect day.

Short Story

Great British Mugs

Mugs are a British tradition. They are very, very popular. There is a mug for every occasion.

And, the most popular mugs of all show the British Royal Family. Every royal event has its own special mug.

There are, of course, many other designs, too. Every football club has a mug with its badge. Every castle has its own mug with its flag. And, every flower, tree, bird and insect has a mug, too. Mugs are very good fun. Many people collect them.

Mugs are a very big part of everyday British life!

badge - Abzeichen
collect – sammeln
event – Ereignisse
everybody – jede
everyday – tagtäglich
favourite - lieblings
flag – Fahne
its – sein/e ihr/e
mug - Becher/Häferl
occasion – Anlass
of all – von allem
of course – natürlich
popular – beliebt
Royal – königliche
there are – es sind
there is – es gibt
too – auch


Have you got a mug?
What are the most popular mugs in Britain?
Why do the British love mugs?
What kind of mug would you like?
What do you think of mugs?
What advantages do mugs have?
Why are mugs the perfect Christmas present?

* * * * * * *

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 8

Key Words
Shandy - A shandy is a beer with lemonade.
The wrong end of the stick  - if you get hold of the wrong end of the stick you misunderstand.
A good egg is a good man, a good sport.
When someone goes on means they can't stop speaking.


Where did Dave meet Jane?
Was Jane punctual?
What did Jane drink?
Did Jane's mum get the wrong end of the stick?
Who ditched who?
What did Jane find when she got home?
Who joined Dave and Jane in the pub?
Why did Uncle Andy phone Uncle Ken?
How much profit did Farmer Ken make?
Where is mum going?
What happens at the Women's Institute?

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck! Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu...