Thursday, 25 April 2024

Thursday the 25th of April, 2024.

Welcome to English Warm-ups. This week,  Edith Nene, a short story. This week's episode of  The Farm at Lane's End, and an easy quiz.


Have fun!  Simply translate into English, then scroll down for suggested solutions.  

Good Luck!

Wir sitzen in der Küche.

Es ist 11 Uhr.  

Es ist Zeit für Kaffee.   

Wir trinken einen Kaffee.  

Wir planen unseren nächsten Urlaub.  

Ich will an einen heißen Ort. 

Vielleicht nach Spanien.  

Oder, wie wäre es mit Griechenland?  

Eine griechische Insel wäre schön. 

Wir könnten auch in die Ferne fahren. 

Was hältst du von Asien?  

Ich möchte einen Abenteuerurlaub machen. 

Willst du lieber am Strand liegen?  

Du würdest gerne mit einer schönen Bräune nach Hause kommen. 

Ein Wanderurlaub in Schweden kommt nicht in Frage. 

Also, wir haben uns entschieden. 

Wieder Spanien.  

Genau wie letztes Jahr und das Jahr davor.  

Lass uns noch einen Kaffee trinken.

We're sitting in the kitchen.  It's eleven o' clock.  elevensis time.  We're having a coffee.  We're planning our next holiday.  I want to go somewhere hot. Maybe to Spain.  Or, what about Greece?  A Greek island would be nice. We could go further afield. What do you think of Asia?  I want an adventure holiday. You would prefer to lie on the beach?  You'd like to come home with a tan. A hiking holiday in Sweden is out of the question. So, we've made up our minds. Spain again.  Just like last year and the year before.  Let's have another coffee.

Listen here to English Warm-ups and Edith Neni

Edith Neni

Edith Neni grew up in the depths of an Hungarian forest. And, she knows the secret of getting through freezing cold winters without catching colds. And,Edith's secret is nothing more than bowls of hot water.

Every evening, Edith Neni's mother would prepare the bowls of hot water. One for each family member. And, into each bowl of piping hot water went a touch of bicarb' of soda and a sprinkling of salt.

And, there the family would sit in a circle, each with their feet in a bowl and all having fun. Stories and jokes, and, for those old enough, a cup of hot spicy wine. Wonderful ends of very hard days.

And, these bowls of hat salty water were very important. Edith Nene grew up in a very poor family. Everyone, even the children, had to work very hard. Foot baths in piping hot water kept people in very good health. And, very good health meant money as well.

Edith Neni, who's now 86, grew up in the depths of an Hungarian forest. And, she's never had a cold in her life. Bowls of piping hot water with bicarb' of soda and a small pinch of salt. This could be something for you. You will not only have very clean feet, but good health as well. It's not only cheap, it's easy as well.

Edith Neni and bowls of Hot Water

piping hot – very, very hot
a sprinkling – a small amount
a touch of . . . a small portion ...
a pinch of salt – a small amount

+ + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End

Chapter 4 -   A Fish and Chips Lunch

Key Words

Rashers and eggs    bacon and eggs.

30 grand - 30 thousand.   1 grand = 1 thousand.

I'll keep my fingers crossed - good luck.

Nightmare - very bad dream.

Before you get going - before you start.  Would you like a cup of tea before you get going with the cleaning.

Elevenses - A coffee break at 11 o' clock in the morning.  Usually with a biscuit.

I could eat a horse.  I am very hungry.

It slipped my mind - I forgot.

Never mind - It's no problem.  Don't worry.


Why is Farmer Ken going to see Peter Wilson?

When will Farmer Ken be back from Peter Wilson's?

What is Farmer Ken buying for lunch?

What did Dave offer Aunty Becky and Cousin Natalie when they arrived?

What did cousin Natalie say when she saw the mess?

What did Cousin Natalie mean when she said she could eat a horse?

What did Farmer Ken forget to buy?

What was Farmer Ken's good idea?

Easy Quiz


Thursday, 18 April 2024

Thursday the 18th of April, 2024

Simply translate into English. You can then scroll down for suggested solutions.  

Good luck!

Es ist 7.30 Uhr morgens.  

Ich sitze in einem Kaffeehaus.  

Ich warte auf einen Freund.  

Wir haben viel zu besprechen. 

Wir haben uns schon lange nicht mehr gesehen.  

Das letzte Mal war vor sieben Jahren.  

Seitdem ist viel passiert.  

Es ist viel Wasser unter die Brücke geflossen. 

Ich bin sehr neugierig.  

Auch ich habe viel zu erzählen.  

Aber die Nachrichten anderer Leute sind interessanter als meine. 

Ich höre lieber zu.  

Mein Freund hört nie auf zu reden.

It's 7.30 in the morning.  I'm sitting in a coffee-house.  I'm waiting for a friend.  We've much to talk about. We haven't see each other for a very long time.  The last time was seven years ago.  Much has happened since then.  Much water has flown under the bridge.  I'm very curious.  I, too, have much to talk about.  But, other people's news is more interesting than mine. I prefer listening.  My friend never stops talking.

+ + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End

Chapter 3 

A Herd of Guernsey Cows

Listen to this chapter on YouTube, then answer the following questions,-

Key Words

Never mind - don't worry - it's no problem - 
Pint - a big beer
Grand - a thousand - 5 grand = 5 thousand

Does Farmer Ken think  housework is easy?

How long ago did Farmer Ken and Dave have fish and chips?

Who phoned farmer Ken?

What did Peter Wilson want to sell?

How much did Peter Wilson want for his cows?

How many cows did Peter Wilson have to secky sell?

What did aunty Becky say in her text message?

Who is Aunty Becky coming with?

Are Farmer Ken and Dave happy that Becky and Natalie are coming?

What are Becky and Natalie coming to do?

Where are farmer Ken and Dave going for a pint?

What has farmer Ken forgotten to do?

+ + + + +

A Short Story

 A Lazy Toorington Weekend!

This weekend was a very slow weekend.  We had a lazy time.  We spent most of our time in the garden.  A little bit here and a little bit there.  Nothing special.  

But, the grill  on Saturday evening was great. Two beautiful steaks. We bought them at the butchers on Saturday morning. And, the wine  came from The Toorington Wine Bar. Very good and a very good price. Only 10 pounds a bottle.  

After dinner we watched Grafenegg on TV.  Live from Austria.  Buchbinder was playing.  A sensational concert.  Brilliant as usual.   One day, we are definitely going to Grafenegg.  I love the atmosphere.  Classic and fine.

And, what's planned for next week?   We are meeting Mick of the Toorington theatre club.  See you next week.


lazy . .

spent . . .

definately . . .

Thursday, 11 April 2024

Thursday the 11th of April, 2024.


Translate into English and have fun.  Scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck! 

Es ist genau wie im Sommer.  

Viel zu heiß für diese Jahreszeit.   

30 Grad in Wien.  

Die Wienerinnen und Wiener lieben dieses herrliche Wetter. 

Alle sind draußen und haben Spaß.  

Die Parks sind voll.  

In der Wachau blühen die Marillenbäume. 

Es ist noch viel zu früh.  

Marillenmarmelade ist meine Lieblingsmarmelade.  

Auch wir haben einen Marillenbaum. 

Hoffentlich eine sehr gute Ernte.   

Gregor liegt schlafend in seinem Liegestuhl.  Seine Frau ist drinnen.  

Sie räumt nach dem Mittagessen auf.

It's just like summer.  Far too hot for the time of year.   30 degrees in Vienna.  The Viennese love this wonderful weather. Everyone's outside having fun.  The parks are full.  The apricot trees are blossoming in the Wachau. It's far too early.  Apricot jam is my favoutite jam.  We, too, have an apricot tree. Hopefully, a very good harvest.   Gregor is asleep in his deck chair.  His wife is inside.  She is cleaning up after lunch.

+ + + + + +

San Marino

San Marino is a long way from Toorington. San Marino is a very interesting place. It is the smallest republic in Europe:  It has only 61 square kilometres. 
San Marino lives from  wheatgrapes, cheeselivestockpostage stampstourism
textiles,  potterychemicalspaints and wine.

San Marino is landlocked in the middle of Italy. Its border is 34 kilometres long. Its highest mountain, the Monte Titano is 793 meters high. 

The River Ausa flows through San Marino.

The official language of San Marino is Italian, and the head of state is known as the Captain's Regent. San Marino was founded in the 4th century by a Christian Saint.


border -Grenze
cheese – Käse
flow (flow/flowed/flowed) – fliest
founded (found/founded/founded) gegrundet
grapes – Trauben
head of state – Staats Oberhaupt
landlocked – Ohne zugang zum Meer
language - Sprache
livestock – Vieh
paints - Farben
postage stamps – Briefmarken
pottery – Keramik
wheat – Getreide


How many square kilometres has San Marino?
How high is its highest mountain and what is its name?
Where is San Marino?
Which language is spoken in San Marino?
What does San Marino live from?
Which river runs through San Marino?
What is the head of state known as?
Who founded San Marino?


+ + + + 

The Farm at Lane's End
Chapter 2 - Visiting Time at the Hospital

Key Words

Yorkshire - short for Yorkshire pudding -  Roast beef and Yorkshire.
Decent - respectable -satisfactory - good -  A decent meal.

Listen to the audio then answer the follwing questions,-

What is the time when Farmer Ken and Dave arrive at the hospital?

Was mum's operation easy or difficult?

Was mum smiling when Dave and Farmer Ken arrived?

What did the doctors tell mum?

Were Farmer Ken and Dave happy to hear mum's news?

What did Dave say about mum coming home?

What will mum need for the wedding?

What must  Farmer Ken and Dave do before mum comes home?

What has Farmer Ken forgotten to do?



Thursday, 4 April 2024

Thursday the 4th of April, 2024.


 Simply translate into English.  Scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck!

Gregor ist ein hochkultivierter Mann.  

Ein Mann des Theaters, der Oper und der Kunst.  

Gregors Lieblingsautor ist Franz Kafka.   

Gregor liebt Kafkas Geschichte über einen Mann, der sich in ein Insekt verwandelt.  

Diese Geschichte ist jetzt ein Theaterstück.  

Es wird im Akademietheater in Wien aufgeführt. 

Gregor hat zwei Karten gekauft. 

Die perfekte Geburtstagsüberraschung für seine Frau. 

Vielleicht gefällt Gregors Frau das Stück.  

Wir müssen abwarten. 

Gregor is a highly cultured man.  A man of theatre, opera, and art.  Gregor's favourite author is Franz Kafka.   Gregor's really loves Kafka's story of a man who turned into an insect.  This story is now a play.  It is  on  at the  Akademietheater in Vienna. Gregor has bought two tickets. The perfect birthday surprise for his wife. Maybe, Gregor's wife will enjoy the play.  We must wait and see.

+ + + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End
Chapter 1 - A Letter

Listen to the story, then answer the following questions,

Key Words

Preparing - getting ready
Huge - very very big

Is farmer Ken cooking breakfast or lunch? 
What has Dave just finished doing?
Which season is it in this story?
What does farmer Ken tell Dave over breakfast?
Who has written to farmer Ken?
Good news or bad news?
Who is getting married?
Who is Cousin Jane getting married to?
Is Rajeeve's father rich or poor?
Why is Rajeeve's father rich?
Where is Dave's mother?

Click here for more of Life at Lane's End - This site will be updated weekly.

+ + + + + +

A Short Story

House flies are small, black  everyone hates them. They share our homes and eat all they can get! House flies are very revolting.

But, these little miracles of nature have another side, too. They are good at surviving. House flies can fly at 11 kilometres an hour, and with their 6000 little eyes they can see danger coming and fly out the way. And, there's more! In their 34 day lifespan, house flies can lay more than 400 eggs.
But, not everyone hates them. House flies are perfect for lunch and are loved by spiders and birds.

And little Susie? She keeps a house fly under her bed in a box, and its name is Erich!


danger – Gefahr
fly (fly/flew/flown) – fliegen
hate – (hate/hated/hated) – hassen
house fly – Stubenfliege
lifespan - Lebenszeit
miracle – Wunder
revolting - abscheulich
share (share/shared/shared) – teilen
surviving – überleben


Why do you hate house flies?
How fast can house flies fly?
How many eyes have house flies got?
What do house flies eat for lunch?
How many eggs do house flies lay?
Where does Susie keep Erich?
For how long can a house fly live?
Who has house flies for lunch?

Listen to this story on Youtube.

+ + + + +

Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...