Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday the 7th of March, 2025

Austrian tourists on the Isle of Capri

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.

Gregor ist sehr glücklich.  

Das Ende einer sehr harten Woche.  

Es ist Freitag. Das Wochenende ist da. 

Zwei Tage zum Entspannen und Ausruhen. 

Golf spielen am Samstag.  

Frische Luft ist wichtig.  

Ein sehr gutes Abendessen ist auch wichtig. 

Der Golfclub hat ein sehr schönes Restaurant.  

Gregor isst gerne mit Freunden.  

Das Essen im Golfclub ist sehr teuer.  

Kein Problem für Gregor.  

Seine Frau verdient sehr gutes Geld.  

Sie ist die Köchin im Golfclub.  

Gregors Frau arbeitet sehr viel. 

Sie arbeitet von Montag bis Freitag in einer Bank. 

An den Wochenenden arbeitet sie im Golfclub.  

Gregor braucht sehr viel Geld. 

Zwei Wochen im Sommer auf der Insel Capri. 

Ein Luxusurlaub. 

Gregors Ideen sind sehr teuer.

Gregor is very happy.  The end of another hard week.  It is Friday. The weekend is here. Two days of relaxing and taking it easy. Golfing on Saturday.  Fresh air is important.  A very nice dinner is also important. The golf club has a very nice restaurant.  Gregor enjoys dining with friends.  Dinner at the golf club is very expensive.  No problem for Gregor.  His wife earns very good money.  She's the cook at the golf club.  Gregor's wife work works very hard. She works at a bank from Monday till Friday. On weekends, she works at the golf club.  Gregor needs very much money. Two weeks in the summer on the Isle of Capri. A luxury holiday. Gregor's ideas are very expensive.

The Farm at Lane's End - Farmer Ken - Chapter 36

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 36, Jean is knitting a pullover.


knitting - to knit - to make a garment from wool with 2 knitting needles.

mum's the word  is an idiom. It means keep silent, or keep it a secret.

cheeky - showing a lack of respect in an amusing way.

suspicious - showing a careful distrust.

fancy - if you fancy something means you have a wish or desire for something.

 And, now to our story, chapter 36 - The Farm at Lane's End.

I say, mum, what are you doing?

I'm knitting a pullover for your father. 

For his birthday?

No, Dave, it's going to be his Christmas present.

But, mum, it's only March. 

I know, Dave. Pullovers take a long time to knit.  Especially secret ones. 

I understand.  I say, mum.  I do like the colours.  Dad's really going to look great wearing an orange and green pullover.  Why did you choose orange and green? 

Orange and green are Christmassy colours.  Orange for the oranges we eat, and green for the Christmas tree.

Original thnking, mum.  So, dad's going to look like a Christmas tree covered with oranges!

Don't be cheeky, Dave.  I'm sure dad's going to like it very much. 

Where is dad, mum?

He's gone to the village to meet your uncle Andy.  They've some business to discuss.  

That sounds very suspicious.  When will dad be home?

Any minute now, Dave.  I must pack up  this knitting and take it upstairs.  And, remember, Dave, Mum's the word. We don't want dad to find out.  It's our little secret.

Your secret's safe with me, mum.  And, by the way, mum,  what's for tea?

A nice cup of tea and a nice slice of cherry cake.

That's great, mum. Just what I fancy.


What is Jean knitting?  Is Jean knitting a birthday or Christmas present?  Is green and orange a good combination?  For whom is the pullover?  Why is Jean keeping her knitting a secret?  How do understand "mum's the word"?  Why has Farmer Ken gone to the village?  What's for tea?  What do you fancy for lunch, tomorrow?  Can you knit?  Is Jean's secret safe with Dave?

+ + + + + + + +

From Lexmatica -  A Very easy text

A Lazy Toorington Weekend!

This weekend was a very slow weekend.  We had a lazy time.  We spent most of our time in the garden.  A little bit here and a little bit there.  Nothing special.  

But, the grill  on Saturday evening was great. Two beautiful steaks. We bought them at the butchers on Saturday morning. And, the wine  came from The Toorington Wine Bar. Very good and a very good price. Only 10 pounds a bottle.  

After dinner we watched Grafenegg on TV.  Live from Austria.  Buchbinder was playing.  A sensational concert.  Brilliant as usual.   One day, we are definitely going to Grafenegg.  I love the atmosphere.  Classic and fine.

And, what's planned for next week?   We are meeting Mick of the Toorington theatre club.  See you next week.

33 - 7 March 2025

Friday, 28 February 2025

Friday the 28th of February, 2025 - English Warmups, Farmer Ken, Easy text for beginners

Obs!  Talk49 YouTube Channel  - Videos - Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + Interviews, Geschichten, Warmups, The Farm at Lane's End, und mehr.  Deutsch und Englisch.  Most videos with full text.  Die meisten Videos mit vollständigem Text.

English Warmups

Simply translate into English, then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck!

Die Faschingssaison neigt sich dem Ende zu.  

Ich mag den Fasching sehr.  

Besonders in Wien.   

Wien hat viele Bälle.    

Bälle sind eine große Wiener Tradition.   

Die Wienerinnen und Wiener lieben das Tanzen.    

Jeder Verein hat einen Ball.  

Jeder Beruf hat einen Ball. 

Und sogar jede Kirche hat einen Ball. 

Und auch jede Schule hat ihren Schulball. 

Der berühmteste aller Wiener Bälle ist der Opernball. 

Lange Abendkleider für die Damen. 

Schwarzer Frack und weiße Fliege für die Herren.   

Eine sehr strenge Kleiderordnung.  

Und, natürlich, Musik von Strauß. 

Und wenn Fasching vorbei ist?  

Wird es Zeit, wieder zu fasten. 

Keine Faschingskrapfen mehr. 

The carnival season is coming to its end.  I really enjoy carnival.  Especially in Vienna. Vienna has many balls.    Balls are a great Viennese tradition.   The Viennese love dancing.    Every club has a ball.  Every profession has a ball. And, even every church has a ball. And, every school has its school ball as well. The most famous Viennese ball of all is the Opera Ball. Long gowns for ladies. Black tailcoat and white bow tie for the gentlemen.   A very strict dress code.  And, of course, music by Strauss. And, when the carnival is over?  It's time to start fasting again. No more carnival donuts. 

+ + + + + + + + + 

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of  everyday country life in England. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son, Dave.  In chapter 35, Farmer Ken and Dave are going to the tip.


The tip - or rubbish tip - The place where people take their rubbish.  The things they want to get rid of. I think we should get rid of the old rusty bike.  

To get rid of something means to throw it away.

Holdall - a holdall is a large bag for travelling. Usually used for long weekends.

Words you might like to check -  jam jar - fireplace - holdall - I was only pulling your leg. 

+ + + + + +

Chapter 35 -The Bartons are having breakfast.  Farmer Ken has something to say.

I say, Jean, these eggs are the best soft boiled eggs in the world. You're a very talented cook. And, by the way, Jean, Dave and I are going to the tip after lunch.  Is there anything you want to get rid of?

Actually, there is one thing you could take.  My old holdall.  I've filled it ups with old jars. Getting rid of that old holdall and all those old jars would be a very great help.

And, Dave, is ther anything else you can think of that needs throwing away?

Actually dad, there is.  We could rid of that horrible old picture above the fireplace in the lounge.

We can't do that, Dave. That horrible old picture as you call it, is an original Turner.  It's worth a fortune.  

I know, dad.  I was only pulling your leg.

So, Ken and Dave, what are you talking to the tip?

We have a full trailer, mum. Those three rusty  bikes that have been in the barn for years, that old lawn mower that used to be gran's, that old fridge that's been broken for years, and that sack full of old wellington boots. 

That sounds more than enough.

It's enough for one load.  And, by the way, mum?  What's for lunch?

Another one of your favourite's, Dave. Toad in the Hole.

That's one my favourites as well.   So come on Dave, we've got lots to do before lunch.  The garden gate needs repairing and the yard needs sweeping.

So, see you at elevenses.

Bye mum.  Cheerio Jean.  By boys, see you at 11.

Questions  -   What did Farmer Ken say about Jean's eggs?  Where are Ken and Dave going after lunch?  How do you understand - to get rid of something?  What would you like to get rid of?  What does Jean want Ken and Dave to take to the tip?  What are Ken and Dave taking to the tip?  What is Jean cooking for lunch?  What is a holdall?  What have Dave and Ken got to do before lunch?  What time are elevenses? 


+ + + + + + + +

Easy Text from

Karli Freund

Karli Freund is a carpenter, He works with wood. Karli Freund needs many different tools for his work.   He needs sawschiselsplanesdrillshammers, screwdrivers, and a lathe. Karli Freund also uses lots of sandpaper and glue.

Karli Freund makes window framesdoor frames and furniture in his workshop.

And, Karli loves his weekends as well. He has a very nice little wooden house in the Vienna Woods, which, by-the-way, he built himself!

Karli Freund is a carpenter. He loves his job very much.


built – gebaut (build/built/built)
by-the-way - übrigens
carpenter – Tischler
chisel – Meißel
different – verschieden
door frames – Türrahmen
drill – Bohrer
furniture – Möbel
glue - Klebstoff

lathe - Drehbank / Dressel (Öst.)
need – brauchen (need/needed/needed)
plane - Hobel

sandpaper – Schleifpapier
saw - Säge
screwdriver – Schraubenzieher
tools – Werkzeug
window frames – Fensterrahmen
wooden - hölzern
workshop - Werkstatt

1 – What tools does Karli Freund need for his job?
2 - Why does Karli Freund make in his workshop?
3 – What does Karli Freund do at weekends?
4 – Where is Karli Freund's little wooden house?
5 – Who built Karli Freund's little wooden house?
6 – Who chose the furniture?
7 - Why is wood beautiful?

2 March, 2025 +45

  Talk49 YouTube Channel  - Videos - Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + Interviews, Geschichten, Warmups, The Farm at Lane's End, und mehr.  Deutsch und Englisch.  Most videos with full text.  Die meisten Videos mit vollständigem Text.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions.

Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.  
Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch. 
Sie bleibt für drei Wochen. 
Drei Wochen sind viel zu lang.  
Das letzte Mal blieb sie vier Wochen.  
Gregor hätte sie fast umgebracht.  
Die Schwiegermutter von Gregor ist eine sehr herrische Frau.  
Sie glaubt, sie sei der Boss. 
Sie ist eine Kontrollsüchtige. 
Was kann der arme Gregor tun? 
Einfach den Kopf einziehen.  
Nichts sagen.  
Drei Wochen werden vergehen. 
Langsam aber sicher.  
Vielleicht wird es gar nicht so schlimm sein.  
Mal abwarten, was passiert. 
Aber, Gregor hat einen neuen Spaten gekauft.  
Vielleicht muss er im Garten ein sehr tiefes Loch graben.  
Oder vielleicht sogar zwei sehr tiefe Löcher!

Gregor is very unhappy.  His mother-in-law is coming to stay. She's staying for three weeks. Three weeks is much too long.  Last time, she stayed for four weeks.  Gregor nearly killed her.  Gregor's mother-in-law is a very bossy woman.  She thinks she's the boss. She's a controll freak. What can poor Gregor do? Just keep his head down.  Say nothing.  Three weeks will pass. Slowly but surely.  Maybe, it won't be so bad.  Let's wait and see. But, Gregor has bought new spade.  Maybe, he will need to dig a very deep hole in the garden.  Or, maybe, even two very deep holes!

+ + + + + + + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End. Also easy, but not so simple. Good luck!  Higher vocabulary.

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 34

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of  everyday country life in England. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son  Dave.  In chapter 34, Dave needs some money.


To lend - You lend something to someone.  Can you lend me your car, please?  

To borrow - You borrow something from someone.  Can I borrow your car, please?

A tall order - A tall order is an unreasonable request.  Wanting me to help him on Christmas day was a very tall order.

That's the way the cookie crumbles is something one must accept. I'm sad, my gold fish has died, but, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

To pull someone's leg means to play a trick on them.

On the strength of something means you believe them because of  what they said.

Words you might like  to check -  To gamble - By the way - upset - habbit - 

Chapter 34

Farmer Ken and Dave are enjoying a well earned whisky.

I say, Dad, could you lend me ten grand, please?

Ten thousand pounds, Dave. That's a bit of a tall order. Why do you want to borrow so much money?

It's Claire, Dad.  She wants to go on holiday.  She wants to go to Las Vegas.  She wants to go gambling.  

You mean, Claire wants to borrow ten thousand pounds so she can go gambling!  Why can't she use her own money?

Claire says it's better to lose your money than hers.

Well, Dave, you can tell Claire to think again.  There's no way I'm going to give you money to throw away. And, by the way, Gambling's a very stupid habbit.

But, Dad, Claire will be upset.  How am I going to tell her you won't lend us the money?

Just tell her there's no way I'm going to lend you the money. And, if she's upset, just tell her that that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Actually, Dad, I was only pulling your leg.  I really need the money for a new tractor.  The old one keeps breaking down.  It's become too expensive to keep.

Well, Dave, on the strength of that, I'll give you twenty thousand pounds.  Get the best that you can.

Thanks, Dad.  I knew you'd understand.  Shall I pour another whisky?

Dave, that's a very silly question!

Cheers Dave, Cheers Dad.


Dave was pulling his father's leg. How much did he want to borrow from his father?

Why did Dave want to borrow so much money?

What story did Dave tell his father about Claire? 

What is Las Vegas famous for?

How do you understand "I was only pulling your leg"?

Explain - Can I lend you some money.

Tell us when you would say - can I borrow ten Euros, please.

What is a tall order?

What do you do when you pull someone's leg?

Please explain on the strength of that, I will give you the money,

More Listening for Fun - German - Niki Stanek -  Ein Schwarz-Weiß-Foto

Talk49 YouTube Channel  - Videos - Interviews, stories, Warmups,  The Farm at Lane's End, and more.  German and English + + Interviews, Geschichten, Warmups, The Farm at Lane's End, und mehr.  Deutsch und Englisch 

Friday, 14 February 2025

14th of March, 2025

In the Stadtpark in Vienna

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck!

Gabi und Sepp kommen am Samstag zu uns.  

Wir machen ein Abendessen.  

Andrew und Jane kommen auch.  

Meine Frau plant gerade das Menü.   

Ein Drei-Gänge-Menü.

Gar nicht so einfach.  

Tomatensuppe, Hühnersuppe, oder Kartoffelsuppe?  

Der Hauptgang? 

Huhn, Rind-, Schweine- oder Lammfleisch?   

Wie wäre es mit Fisch?  


Karotten und Kartoffeln?  

Pommes frites oder Bratkartoffeln?  

Manche Menschen bevorzugen Reis.  

Und Nachtisch?  

Kirschkuchen, Schokoladenkuchen, oder Käse? 

Und die Getränke?  

Das ist meine Aufgabe.      

Meine Frau ist eine sehr gute Köchin.  

Ich bin sicher, das Essen wird perfekt sein.

Gabi and Sepp are coming over on Saturday.  We're having a dinner.  Andrew and Jane are coming as well.  My wife is planning the menu.   A three course meal. Not so easy.  Tomatoe soup, chicken soup, or potatoe soup?  The main course?  Chicken, beef, pork, or lamb?   What about fish?  Vegetables?  Carrots and potatoes?  French fries or roast potatoes?  Some people prefer rice.  And sweet?  Cherry cake, chocolate cake, or cheese?   And, the drinks?  That is my job.      My wife is a very good cook.  I'm sure the meal will be perfect.

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 33

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of a typical English farming family. The Bartons.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 33, Dave is down in the dumbs. 


Down in the dumps - If you are down in the dumps, you are a little unhappy or even a little depressed.

I've got too much on my plate means I have very much to do.

Crossed one's mind.  If something has already crossed one's mind - means that one has already thought about it.

She would rather do this than that - means she would prefer  this and not that.   Prefer = rather.

To cope means to manage.  I can cope without you!

On the subject of something  means something related or connected to that we are presently talking about.

And now Chapter 33

I say, Dave, you're very quiet this evening.  Is everything all right.  

Oh, I'm Ok, mum.  Just a little down in the dumps, that's all. 

Oh, what's wrong, Dave?

Claire's decided it's not such a good idea to go to Whitby on Saturday.  She says she's got too much to do.  She's got too much on her plate. She'd rathestay at home and finish getting ready for her exhibition.

When is Claire's exhition, Dave?

It's next week, mum and dad.  And, to be honest, Claire really has a lot going on at the moment. She's very, very busy.

Can't you go round and help her, Dave?

That's already crossed my mind, mum and dad.  But, Claire says she can cope much better without me. 

What has Claire got to do, Dave?

Well, it doesn`t sound much.  She's got 3 pictures to finish, and 7 pictures to frame.  And, to be honest,  there's  really nothing I can do to help.

But, Dave, there is one thing you can do to help.  You can  give her one of my cherry cakes.  I'll bake one tomorrow.

A brilliant idea, mum.  She'd really appreciate it.  You're great, mum!  And, mum, while we're on the subject,  what's for sweet?

Your favourite.  Apple crumble and custard.  And, of course, whipped cream as well.

That's fantasti!c, mum.  I'm feeling better already.

And, to finish with, a glass of whisky.

Not just one glass dad, 2 or 3 would be great.

 That's my boy.  A chip off the old block. Cheers everyone, cheers!

Questions - Why is Dave down in the dumps?  - What does - I've too much on my plate mean?  why would Claire rather stay at home?  What jobs must Claire do?  - Does Claire want Dave to help her?   -  When is Claire's exhibition?  - What does Jean want to make for Claire? -  How do you understand the following - I can't cope without you?  Why is Dave a chip off the old block?  -  How do you understand - that's already crossed my mind?  What is apple crumble?  Would you rather have cheese cake or cherry cake?

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Friday the 7th of February, 2025


Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck! 

Es ist Mitte Februar.  - 

Es ist immer noch sehr kalt.  - 

Als ich heute Morgen aufgestanden bin, waren es minus 5 Grad. -  

Aber die Tage werden länger.  -  

Jetzt ist es schon um 7 Uhr morgens hell.  - 

Und um 5 Uhr abends ist es immer noch hell.   - 

Ich freue mich auf den Sommer.  -  

Sehr lange Tage und sehr kurze Nächte.  -   

Aber auch der Februar hat seine besonderen Tage. -   

Der 14. Februar. - 

St.Valentinstag. -   

Gregors Frau freut sich immer auf den Valentinstag.  -  

Es ist der Tag, an dem Gregor ihr eine Blume schenkt.  -  

Eine rote Nelke. -   

Gregor bekommt sie geschenkt.  - 

Von der Sozialistischen Partei. -  

Sie verschenken die Blumen an der Bushaltestelle.  - 

Gregors Frau weiß das nicht.  - 

Sie kocht Gregor ein sehr schönes Essen. -   

Eine wunderbare Art, sich zu bedanken!  

It's the middle of February.  It's still very cold.  It was minus 5  when I got up this morning. But, the days are getting longer.  Now, it is already light at 7 in the morning.  And, it's still light at 5 in the evening.   I'm looking forward to summer.  Very long days and very short nights.  But, February has its special days, too. February the 14th.  St. Valentine's day. Gregor's wife always looks forward to St. Valentine's day.  It's the day Gregor gives her a flower.  A red carnation. Gregor gets it for free.  From the Socialist Party. They hand out the  flowers at the bus stop.  Gregor's wife doesn't know that.  She cooks Gregor a very nice dinner. A wonderful way to say thank you!

 + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of a typical English farming family. The Bartons.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 32, Ken and Jean are talking about uncle Ron. 


A penny for your thoughts - A penny for your thoughts means please tell me what you are thinking.

Warm hearted means kind and loving.  He was such a warm hearted man.

For the life of me - For the life of me is a phrase that means however hard I try.  However hard I try, I can't remember his name. For the life of me, I can't remember his name.

A chip off the old block means being the same - usually in character - as one's father. This phrase  normally speaks about boys.  Girls are "just like their mothers". 

Words you might like to check - loft - keen -

+ + + + + +

And now to our story - The Farm at Lane's End, chapter 32

A penny for your thoughts, Ken!

Oh, hello Jean, I didn't hear you come in.

I'm not surprised, Ken.  You were far away. Lost in your thoughts.

I was thinking about my old uncle Ron.  He was such a warm hearted man.  Always doing good for others.  He was such a nice  person. 

Jean has a question

Didn't your uncle Ron and aunty Sheila help your mum at one of your birthday parties?

You've got a very good memory, Jean.

Was it your ninth or tenth birthday, Ken?

For the life of me, I can't remember, Jean.

I bet you can't remember the present  your uncle Ron and aunty Sheila gave you!

You're wrong, Jean.  I remember  it well.  They gave me a steam engine for my model railway.  And, further more, I still have it. The engine they gave me is in a box in the loft. And, another thing, Jean.  I can still remeber the present you gave me.

I don't believe you!  

You gave me a book about postage stamps.  Stamp collecting was one of my hobbies at the time. I used to be a very keen collector. Oh, and by the way, Jean, how did you know I collected stamps?

Your cousin Billy told me.  Billy and I used to sit next to each other at primary school.  I liked him very much.

You're right, Jean.  Billy was very nice, He was not only a very kind boy. he was a great friend as well. He was just like his dad.  A chip off the old block.   And  Jean,  You can do something that aunty Sheila could do, too. Your cherry cakes are fantastic, 

Thanks, Ken. That's nice of you.    Shall we have a   cup of tea?

That's a good idea, Jean. There's nothing nicer than a nice cup of tea.  I'll put on the kettle immediately.


Why didn't Ken hear Jean coming in?   Who was Ken thinking about?  How would you describe uncle Ron?  How do you understand "for the life of me"  What did uncle Ron and aunty Sheila give Ken for his birthday?  Why were uncle Ron and aunty Sheila at Ken's birthday party?  How did Jean know that Ken collected stamps?  How do you understand the meaning of "a chip off the old block?"  Why was Billy just like his father?  What has Jean in common with aunty Sheila?  How do you understand "a penny for your thoughts?"  


Friday, 31 January 2025

Friday the 31st of January, 2025

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck!

Gregor hat eine Entscheidung getroffen.  

Ein Familienurlaub.  

Er und seine Frau fahren nach Afrika. 

Ein tolles Ziel. 

Die Westküste von Afrika.   

2 Wochen am Meer.  

Ein Badeurlaub.  

Gregor zieht es vor, am Pool zu bleiben.  

Gregors Frau genießt es, im Meer zu schwimmen.   

Gregor ist sehr glücklich. 

Er wird viel Zeit zum Lesen und Entspannen haben.  

Auch Gregors Frau ist glücklich.  

Ruhe und Frieden.  

Sonnenbaden und Schwimmen. 

Gregor lächelt.  

Es gibt sehr viele Haie im Meer. 

Gregor has made a decision.  A family holiday.  He and his wife are going to Africa. A great destination. The west coast of Africa.   2 weeks by the sea.  A bathing holiday.  Gregor prefers staying by the pool.  Gregor's wife enjoys swimming in the sea.   Gregor is very happy. He will have plenty of time to read and relax.  Gregor's wife is happy as well.  Peace and quiet.  Sunbathing and swimming. Gregor smiles.  There are very many sharks in the sea. 

 + + + + + + + + + +

 The Farm at Lane's End -  Chapter 31

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of a typical English farming family.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 31, Ken, Jean, and Dave are talking about a trip to the coast.


Used to - Used to is a phrase that tells of something one did, but no more.  I used to go to school in London.  We used to go to Whitby every summer.

High tide  is when the sea is at its highest.

Low tide is when the sea is at its lowest.

To join in - To join in with something means to take part in something.  I joined in with the game.

Words you might like to check -  Day out, excursion, day trip, trip, outing. /  Sea side, coast.

+ + + + ++ 

And, now to our story.  The Farm at Lane's End. Chapter 31.  The Bartons are planning an excursion to the sea side.

Dave starts - Mum and dad, we haven't been to the coast for a very long time.  How about a trip to the sea side?

Farmer Ken thinks Dave's idea is good. -  A good idea, Dave.  Just like old times.  When you were little, we often used to go to the coast.  

Jean joins in -  I remember, we often used to go to Whitby. We really enjoyed it there.  The beach was wonderful.  It streched for miles and miles when the tide was out, and at high tide when the sea was in, the beach was completely covered. High tide and low tide.  I remeber them well.

Ken has something to say - And, when the tide was out, everyone did what they wanted.  Everything from taking long walks to riding their horses.

Jean has something else to say - You're right Ken.  And, when the tide was in, we always used to go to that nice little restaurant at the top of the hill for fish and chips.  I can still taste it when I close my eyes.  The best fish and chips in the world.

Dave has become very enthusiastic - Mum and Dad, we really must go to Whitby again. As dad said, just like old times. Won't it be fun.  And, I'm sure, Claire would love to come, too.

Ken has one more thing to say - And, by the way, we could take the train.  The steam train that runs between Pickering and Whitby. The N.Y.M.R   The North Yorkshire Moors Railway.

The Bartons are happy.  Jean puts on the kettle for a nice cup of tea.

Questions - Where are the Bartons going?   Why do the Bartons want to go to Whitby? Please explain "we used to go to Whitby when you were little".   Where did you use to go to school?  What did Jean say about the beach?    How do you understand low tide?  How do you understand high tide?  Where did the Bartons use to go for something to eat?  Which meal did they choose?  What did Ken suggest at the end of the story?  What is speacial about the N.Y.M.R?  How do you understand the phrase, and, by the way


If you are interested!  The N.Y.M.R  Website,

Pickering to Whitby

In the north of England is a train that comes in from the coast. It's the NYMR and it runs from Whitby to Pickering. And, its first whistle blew a long time ago!

In 1836, the NYMR's first horse drawn train left Whitby for Pickering. A journey of beauty. There were the rises and falls of the dales, the pastel shades of the moors, rivers on their ways to the sea. villages sitting in hollows, and farms that dotted the horizon. And, all at horse drawn speed. But, 10 years later came change. Steam.

The NYMR was modernized and its one single track became two. And, the NYMR thrived.   For the next 100 years, It provided the villages and towns along its route with all that was needed for life.

But, then came the 1950s. The roads took-over. Lorries and cars were convenient and cheaper. The LYMR slid into decline. And, in 1965, its last whistle blew. The line fell asleep.

But, it didn't stay sleeping for ever! In 1973, the line reopened as a fully working museum. Once again, one could travel through beauty. And all thanks to the army of hard working enthusiasts who gave up their time to achieve this. But, the NYMR isn't only a museum. It has, once again, become an essential part of every day northern English life.

And, just like then, the NYMR is still being driven by the magic of steam.

The line that comes in from the coast is still there - and under full steam - and waiting for you! The North Yorkshire Moor's Railway. The NYMR.

For more details,

On Whitby Beach

Friday, 24 January 2025

Friday the 24th of January, 2025

In the Stadtpark in Vienna

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck and good fun!

Es ist 5 Uhr.  

Es ist Zeit aufzustehen. 

Es ist noch dunkel. 

Um wie viel Uhr gehst du zur Arbeit?  

Du musst dich beeilen.  

Du hast nur zehn Minuten Zeit.  

Du musst dich gut anziehen.  

Vergiss deine Fäustlinge nicht.  

Hast du deinen Schal dabei?  

Es ist sehr kalt draußen.  

Seien Sie vorsichtig. 


Es ist sehr rutschig auf dem Boden. 

Das ist sehr gefährlich.  

Wann kommst du nach Hause?  

Ich mache das Essen fertig.  

Dein Lieblingsessen.  

Würstchen mit Kartoffelbrei.

It's 5 o'clock.  It's time to get up.  It's still dark. What time are you going to work?  You must hurry.  You've only ten minutes.  You must wrap up well.  Don't forget your mittens.  Have you got your scarf?  It's very cold outside.  Be careful. Black ice.   It's very slippery underfoot. It's very dangerous.  When are you coming home?  I'll have dinner ready.  Your favourite.  Bangers and mash.

 - - - - - - - -

The Farm at Lane's End -  Chapter 30

The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of a typical English farming family.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 30, Jean is getting ready to go out.

Vocabulary -

To wrap up means to put on very warm clothes.

Brass monkey weather is a coloquial expression that means extremely cold weather.

Treacherous means conditions that hide hidden dangers.

It's bound to be means something that is certain.

Words you might need to check - mittens, scarf, wooly hat, underfoot.

 And, now to our story.  The Farm at Lane's End.  Chapter 30

Jean is getting ready to go out.  She's going to the chemist's in the village. Ken is giving her some advice.

You'll need to wrap up, Jean.  It's very, very cold outside.  You'll definately need your thick wooly hat to keep your ears covered  and your mittens to keep your hands warm.

Just then, Dave comes in.  He's been  feeding the pigs.

I say, mum and dad, it's freezing outside. I can hardly feel my fingers.  It's brass monkey weather. 

Jean asks Dave about the conditions outside. 

Dave, is it slippery underfoot?  Is it icy?  

It's very, very icy mum.  If I were you, I would wear the warm winter boots that dad gave you for Christmas.  There's black ice everywhere. The last thing we want is you breaking a leg.  We'd have to do the cooking and cleaning ourselves.    That'd be terrible.

I promise to be careful, boys.  I say, has anyone seen my car keys?  I can't find them anywhere.  I can't remember where I put them. 

If I were you, Jean, I'd take the Jeep.  The roads are bound to be treacherous. As Dave said, there's black ice everywhere.

How long will you be gone, mum?

Not very long, Dave.  I'm only going to the chemist's. I'll be back before lunch. 

Drive safely, mum. See you later.

Bye Dave, bye Ken.

Questions - Please describe the weather.  Which month is it?  Is it summer or autumn?  Is it brass kangeroo weather?  Why should Jean wrap up well?  Did Ken advise Jean to wear gloves or mittens?  What did Dave say about the conditions?  Why did Ken suggest that Jean takes the Jeep?  How do you understand the word treacherous?  How do you understand the phrase "it's bound to be"?   Why is black ice treacherous?  Why did Jean go to the village?

Friday the 7th of March, 2025

Austrian tourists on the Isle of Capri Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr glücklich.   ...