Friday 11 October 2024

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck!

Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu machen.  

Ein verspätetes Geburtstagsgeschenk.  

Ein Auto.  

Ein gebrauchtes Auto.  

Je billiger, desto besser.  

Gregor hat einen Freund. 

Einen Gebrauchtwagenhändler.  

Gregors Freund ist ein sehr ehrlicher Mann.  

Ein Polyester-Anzug.  

Glänzende schwarze Schuhe.  

Immer viel Geld.  

Bündel von Bargeld. 

Seine Bedingungen sind einfach.  

Nur Bargeld.  

Keine Garantien.  

Nichts Schriftliches.  

Nur ein Händedruck.  

Gregors Freund ist ein sehr netter Mann.

Gregor has decided to give his wife a surprise.  A late birthday present.  A car.  A secondhand car.  The cheaper the better.  Gregor has a friend. A used car dealer.  Gregor's friend is a very honest man.  A polyester suite.  Shiny black shoes.  Always plenty of mony.  Bundles of cash.  His conditions are simple.  Cash only.  No guarantees.  Nothing in writing.  Only a handshake.  Gregor's friend is a very nice man.


The Farm at Lane's End is taking a break.  Next Edition, Friday the 25th of October.

Friday 4 October 2024

Friday the 4th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck!

Ich möchte mit dem Mountainbiken beginnen.  

Mountainbiken ist schnell und macht Spaß.  

In Österreich gibt es viele Radwege. 

Aber man muss vorsichtig sein.  

Jedes Jahr gibt es viele Unfälle.  

Die Leute fahren zu schnell. 

Mit hoher Geschwindigkeit bergab zu fahren ist keine gute Idee. 

Viele Menschen landen im Krankenhaus.  

In der Notaufnahme.  

Mit gebrochenen Armen und gebrochenen Beinen. 

Ich hatte in meinem Leben noch nie eine Sport-Verletzung.  

Ich habe noch nie Sport getrieben.  

Und ich werde auch jetzt nicht damit anfangen.

I fancy taking up mountain biking.  Mountain biking is fast and fun.  There are many bike tracks in Austria.  But, one has to be careful.  Each year there are many accidents.  People cycle too fast. Going downhill at speed is not a good idea. Many people end up in hospital.  In the emergency station.  Broken arms and broken legs. I have never had a sport injury in my life.  I have never done any sport.  And, I'm not going to start now.

The Farm at Lane's End

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.   For the characters in this story, please click here 

Chapter 21 - Key words or phrases,-

I haven't a clue, this means I have no idea. I haven't a clue what she's talking about.

Worth a try means it would be a good idea to do it.  It might work.

According to - this tells us what someone has written or said.  According to Andy, tourism would be good for the village.  

A sly old fox is a clever or cunning old man.

To count us in mens to include us.  That's a great idea!  Count us in.

Questions -

What is Andy's plan for Tootenhoe?

What would Andy like Ken to do?

Would the cycle track be near the river or near the house?

Where would the cycle track start and finish?

Who owns the tea shop at the start and finish of the cycle track? 

Why is Andy a sly old fox?

How will the cycle track help Andy?

What does Jean want to sell on her stand?

What advantages will the cycle track have for the village?

What do you think of Andy's plan?


Friday 27 September 2024

Friday the 27th of September, 2024

People on their way to art school in Upper Austria

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Have fun and good luck!

Gregor geht zur Abendschule. 

Jeden Mittwochabend. 

Gregor lernt malen.  

Mit Wasserfarben. 

Gregor liebt Kunst. 

Gregor ist sehr begabt.  

Als er ein Junge war, hat Gregor sehr schöne Bilder gemalt. 


Zeichnungen von Katzen, Hunden, Kaninchen und Karotten. 

Jetzt malt Gregor Stilllebenbilder. 

Gregors Motive sind Blumenvasen, Orangen und Äpfel. 

Auch Gregors Frau ist sehr begabt. 

Gregors Frau malt wunderbare Bilder. 

Landschaften und Porträts.  

Porträts von berühmten Menschen.  

Gregors Frau hat eine sehr gute Methode. 

Malen nach Zahlen.

Gregor goes to evening classes. Every Wednesay evening. Gregor is learning to paint.  Water colours. Gregor loves art. Gregor is very talanted.  When he was a boy, Gregor drew very nice pictures. Pencil drawings.  Drawings of cats, dogs, rabbits, and carrots. Now, Gregor paints still-life pictures. Gregor's subjects include vases of flowers, and oranges and apples. Gregor's wife is also very talented. Gregor's wife paints wonderful pictures. Landscapes  and portraits.  Portraites of famous people.  Gregor's wife has a very good method. Painting by numbers.

The Farm at Lane's End

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and Dave their son.        

For the characters in this story, please click here

Key words or phrases -

To ENROLL means to register or sign up for something. I have enrolled with the army.  I have enrolled in a French course.  I have signed up for a Spanish conversation course.  

WHAT ABOUT . . . . .?  This a question phrase. It means what do you think of something or would you consider something?  What about going out tomorrow?  Would you consider going out tomorrow?  

ACTUALLY is connected with the truth.  A fact.  I actually did see Mary last week.

TO MAKE UP ONE´S MIND - To make up one's mind is to make a decision. To decide.  Please make up your mind!  Shall we go today or tomorrow??


Which course have Claire and Dave signed up for?

Where is the French course being held?

Where are Dave and Claire getting their text books from?

Why do Dave and Claire want to learn French?

Is French a romantic language?

Is Paris a romantic city?

When are Dave and Claire going to Paris?

Would you like to go to Paris in the spring?

Why is French food the best in world?


Thursday 19 September 2024

Friday the 20th of September, 2024


The solo singer on his way to the church

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good Luck!

Diesen Sonntag findet in der Kirche ein Konzert statt.  

Möchten Sie mit mir hingehen? 

Was steht auf dem Programm?  

Händels „Messias“.  

Ich würde gerne mit dir hingehen.  

Um wie viel Uhr beginnt das Konzert?  

Es beginnt um 8 Uhr.  

Brauchen wir Karten?  

Nein, wir zahlen an der Tür.  

Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst. 

Wir müssen früh da sein, um einen guten Platz zu bekommen.  

Wann sollen wir uns treffen?  

Wir treffen uns um 18 Uhr. 

Wo treffen wir uns?  

Vor der Kirche. 

Ich freue mich schon darauf.  

Ich auch. 

Wir sehen uns am Sonntag.

There's a concert on in the church this Sunday.  Would you like to go with me? What's on the programme?  Handel's Messiah.  I would love to go with you.  What time does the concert beginn?  It starts at 8 o. clock.  Do we need tickets?  No, we pay at the door.  First come first served. We  must  be there early to get a good seat.  What time shall we meet?  Let's meet at 6.  Where shall we meet?  In front of the church. I'm looking forward to it.  So am I.  See you on Sunday.


The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 19

For the characters in this story, please click here

Key words or phrases

By the way - Another topic that is related, but not directly involved with the subjet being discussed.

Conductor - The leader of an orchestra, the person who directs the orchestra,  The person with the batton. Batton is the short stick that conductors use to guide the orchestra.

Shepherd's Pie - This is a traditional English dish.  Mince meat with a generous topping of crispy mashed potatoes.

To fancy something means to really want something.  I really fancy fish and chips for lunch!  


When is the concert?

Where is the concert?

What is the choir singing, or, what is the choir putting on?

Is this Ken's favourite Schubert mass?

What time does the concert start?

Who is conducting the choir?

Who is singing a solo?

What have Ken and Jean decided to do before going to the concert?

Where are Ken and Jean going after the concert?

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday the 12th of September, 2024.


A group of hikers on their way to to the Dachstein summit

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck.

Ich habe Lust, am Sonntag wandern zu gehen.  

Lass uns zusammen gehen. 

Wohin sollen wir gehen?  

Lass uns in die Steiermark fahren. 

Das ist eine gute Idee.  

Kennst du einen guten Ort zum Wandern?  

Ja, am Dachstein. 

Wie lange brauchen wir bis zum Gipfel?  

Ungefähr eine Stunde.  

Leichte Wanderung.  

Soll ich ein paar Brote zum Mittagessen machen?  

Nein, wir gehen in eine Berghütte zum Mittagessen. 

Berghütten sind sehr schöne Orte zum Mittagessen. 

Gutes, einfaches Essen.  

Gregor lernte seine Frau in einer Berghütte kennen.  

Sie begannen ihr gemeinsames Leben auf dem Gipfel. 

Jetzt sind sie am Boden.  

Hinaufgehen ist schwer.  

Runterkommen ist leicht.

I fancy going hiking on Sunday.  Let's go together. Where shall we go?  Let's go to Styria, That's a good idea.  Do you now a good place to hike?  Yes, the Dachstein. How long will it take us to get to the top?  About an hour.  Easy hiking.  Shall I make some sandwiches for lunch?  No, let's go to a mountain hut for lunch. Mountain huts are very nice places for lunch. Good simple food.  Gregor met his wife in a mountain hut.  They started their life together at the top. Now, they are at the bottom.  Going up is hard.  Coming down is easy.

- - - - - - -

The Farm at Lane's End

Key Words / Phrases

Gale force winds - very, very strong winds

Low lying ground / low lying areas  - very low gound at or very near sea level. 

The wind is getting up - the wind is becoming stronger, the wind is getting stronger


Where did Dave hear the storm warning?

Where was the storm coming from?

Where were the cows?

Does the bottom field often flood?

Why does the bottom field often flood?

Can cows swim?

Was the washing still on the line?

What did Farmer Ken and Dave do first?

What was the weather like in Scotland?

What is Jean going to do to help the poor Scottish people?

Do you like English cherry cake?

Thursday 5 September 2024

Friday the 6th of September, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Have fun and good luck!

Letzten Samstagabend hatten Gregor und seine Frau eine Dinnerparty.  

Gregor und seine Frau haben gerne Gäste zum Abendessen.  

Gregor und seine Frau sind perfekte Gastgeber. 

Gregors Frau ist eine sehr gute Köchin.  

Gregor ist sehr gut im Öffnen von Flaschen.  

Letzten Samstag haben sie 6 sehr gute Freunde zum Essen eingeladen.  

Wie immer hat Gregor das ganze Gespräch geführt.  

Das war nicht sehr gut.  

Eigentlich war es langweilig.  

Nach dem wunderbaren Essen gingen alle so schnell wie möglich. 

Gregor ging ins Bett.  

Gregors Frau räumte auf.  

Auch Gregors Bruder genoss es, gute Freunde zum Abendessen zu haben. 

Gregors Bruder gingen schnell die Freunde aus. 

Jetzt ist Gregors Bruder im Gefängnis.  

Gefängnisessen statt guter Freunde!

Last Saturday evening, Gregor and his wife had a dinner party.  Gregor and his wife enjoy having guests for dinner.  Gregor and his wife are pefect hosts. Gregor's wife is a very good cook.  Gregor is very good at opening bottles.  Last Saturday, they invited 6 very good friends for dinner.  As usual, Gregor did all the talking.  This was not very good.  In fact, it was boring.  After the wonderful meal, everyone left as quickly as possible. Gregor went to bed.  Gregor's wife cleaned up.  Gregor's brother also enjoyed having good friends for dinner. Gregor's brother quickly ran out of friends. Now, Gregor's brother is in prison.  Prison food instead of good friends!

+ + + + + + + +

 The Farm at Lane's End

For the characters in this story, please click here

Chapter 17

Key Words

Pastel colours - Pastel colours are soft shades of colours.  Pastel colours show moods such as optimismus,  joy, peace, and innocence.

Incredible - Incredible means almost impossible to believe.  An incredible story, for example.

A table cloth is a cloth that protects the surface of a table. 

Friends in common are friends that other people you know know as well.

Knives, forks, and spoons are words you should know as well.


What is Claire's proffesion?

Are Claire's paintings oil or water colours?

Where did Claire study art?

Why do you like pastel colours?

What did Claire cook for dinner?

What was Dave's reaction when he saw Claire's table?

What kind of music does Dave prefer?

What kind of music does Claire love?

What did Dave and Claire discuss over dinner?

Is Edinburgh the capital city of Wales or Ireland?

What time did Dave arrive home from Claire's?

Click here for all chapters so far.

Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunday the 1st of September, 2024

Simply translate and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Good Luck!

Wir geben am Samstag eine Party.

Würden Sie gerne kommen?

Würden Sie gerne Ihre Frau mitbringen?

Es ist Kasual, also kommen Sie bitte so, wie Sie sind.

Sie müssen nichts mitbringen.

Natürlich können Sie eine Flasche mitbringen.

Nein, bitte bringen Sie keinen Nudelsalat mit.

Meine Frau kümmert sich ums Kochen.

Gibt es etwas, das du nicht magst?

Du magst Gregor nicht!

Nein, das habe ich nicht gemeint.

Ich meinte, gibt es etwas, das du nicht gerne isst?

Das ist kein Problem.

Die stehen nicht auf der Speisekarte.

Wir mögen sie auch nicht.

Wir sehen uns am Samstag.



We're having a party on Saturday.

Would you like to come?

Would you like to bring your wife?

 It's casual, so please come as you are.

You don't need to bring anything.

Of course you can bring a bottle.

No, please don't bring a noodle salat.

My wife is doing the cooking.

Is there anything you don't like?

You don't like Gregor!

No, that's not what I meant.

I meant, is there any thing you don't like to eat?

That's no problem.

They're not on the menu.

We don't like them either.

 See you on Saturday.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday the 24th of August, 2024.


Simplay translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Soll ich Sie am Wochenende anrufen?

Wir könnten einen Wein trinken gehen.

Ich kenne da ein nettes kleines Lokal.

Einen Heurigen.

Der ist in Guntramsdorf.

Ein nettes kleines Dorf bei Wien.

Ein Weindorf.

Sollen wir am Samstag oder Sonntag hin?

Samstag ist besser.

Da können wir die Badnerbahn nehmen.

Das ist sehr bequem.

Sie fährt von der Oper aus.

Alle 20 Minuten.

Treffen wir uns um 4.

Ich reserviere einen Tisch für 5 Uhr.

Sollen wir den Franz fragen, ob er auch kommen will?

Und, was ist mit Wolfgand und Mary?

Gut, ich ruf' sie an.

Wir sehen uns am Samstag.



Shall I give you a call at the weekend? We could go out for a wine. I know a nice little place. A Heurigen. It's in Guntramsdorf. A nice little village near Vienna. A wine village. Shall we go on Saturday or Sunday? Saturday is better. We can take the Badnerbahn. It's very convenient. It goes from the opera. Every 20 minutes. Let's meet at 4. I'll book a table for 5 o clock. Shall we ask Franz if he would like to come, too? And, what about Wolfgand and Mary? Fine, I'll give them a call. See you on Saturday.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday the 11th of August, 2024

Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Good Luck!

Wo kann ich mir die Hände waschen?

Wann ist das Abendessen?

Kann ich etwas mitbringen?

Kann ich Ihnen helfen, den Tisch zu decken?

Sollen wir morgen ausgehen?

Lass uns bei Pauli vorbeischauen.

Ich bin heute Morgen Sue begegnet.

Das wird heute ein schöner Tag.

Genau richtig für ein Picknick.

Tom kommt morgen.

Sein Bus kommt um 7 Uhr an.

Er wird hungrig sein.

Gemma ins Intercont.

Das ist der beste Ort in der Stadt für ein Abendessen.

Suggested Solutions

Wo kann ich mir die Hände waschen?   Where can I wash my hands?

Wann ist das Abendessen?  What time is dinner?

Kann ich etwas mitbringen?  Can I bring anything?

Kann ich Ihnen helfen, den Tisch zu decken?  Can I help you lay the table?

Sollen wir morgen ausgehen?  Shall we go out tomorrow?

Lass uns bei Paulivorbeischauen.  Let's drop in on Pauli.

Ich bin heute Morgen Sue begegnet. I bumped into Sue this morning.

Das wird heute ein schöner Tag. It's going to be a fine day today.

Genau richtig für ein Picknick.  Just right for a picnic.

Tom kommt morgen.  Tom's coming tomorrow.

Sein Bus kommt um 7 Uhr an.  His bus arrives at 7.

Er wird hungrig sein.  He will be hungry.

Gemma ins Intercont.Let's go the Intercont.

Das ist der beste Ort in der Stadt für ein Abendessen.   It's the best place in town for dinner.

 + + + + + + + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End is on holiday.  Back on September the 5th.

Friday 2 August 2024

Friday the 2nd of August, 2024

A Summer Repeat!

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  

Good luck!

Es ist schwer, heute anzufangen.  

Ich bin gestern Abend sehr spät ins Bett gegangen.  

Gestern war ich einen ganzen Tag unterwegs.  

Ich war den ganzen Tag auf Achse.  

Von sechs Uhr morgens bis kurz nach Mitternacht.  

Ich bin nach Salzburg gefahren.  

Ich habe einen Freund besucht.  

Einen Freund von vor langer, langer Zeit.  

Wir hatten einen wirklich schönen Tag.  

Wir sprachen über vergangene Zeiten. 

Über alte Freunde.  

Gemeinsame Erlebnisse.  


Unsere Frauen und unsere Kinder.  

Wo werden unsere Kinder in 40 Jahren sein?  

Von wem werden sie sprechen?  

Es ist schwer, in Gang zu kommen. 

Und das Wetter ist nicht sehr schön. 

Wo ist der Sommer?

Suggested Solutions

It's hard  getting started today.  I went to bed very late last night.  I had a full day travelling yesterday.  I was on the go all day long.  From six in the morning until  just after midnight.  I went  to Salzburg.  I went to visit a friend.  A friend from long, long ago.  We had a really nice day.  We spoke about ays that had gone. Old friends.  Common experiences.  Journeys.  Our wives and our children.  Where will our children be in 40 year's time?  Who will they be talking about?  It's hard getting going. And, the weather's not very nice. Where is the summer?

+ ++ + + + + + + +

The Farm at Lane's End is on holiday.  The story will be back on the 5th of September 2024. 

Saturday 27 July 2024

Friday the 26th of July, 2024

Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Wir fahren morgen nach Paris.  

Wir sind bei Freunden untergebracht. 

Freunde, die wir letztes Jahr im Urlaub auf The Isle of Sky kennengelernt haben.  

Marlene und Jean.  

Wir waren auf einem Bauernhof untergebracht.  

Übernachtung mit Frühstück. 

Ein schönes bequemes Bett. 

Sehr gutes Essen.  

Marlene und Jean waren zelten.  

Es war billig.  

Das Wetter war schrecklich. 

Starker Regen.  

Nach einem netten Drink in der Pub gingen wir zurück zur Farm.  

Marlene und Jean gingen zurück in ihr Zelt. 

Eiskalt und nass.

We're going to Paris tomorrow.  We are staying with friends. Friends we met on holiday last year on the Isle of Sky.  Marlene and Jean.  We were staying on a farm.  Bed and breakfast.  A nice comfortable bed. Very good meals.  Marlene and Jean were camping.  It was cheap.  The weather was terrible. Heavy rain.  After a nice drink at the pub, we went back to the farm.  Marlene and Jean went back to their tent. Freezing cold and wet.

 The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 16

Key Words and Phrases

Inseparable  - always together - impossible to seperate.
Out of the blue - this means something happened unexpectedly (not planned)
To keep in touch - to stay in contact.
In this neck of the woods - in this area.  What's happening in your neck of the woods.
There is more than meets the eye - there is more to this story or situation than is obvious.
To take one's leave means to politely leave.
To drift apart - to gradually seperate or lose contact.


When did the old friends drift apart?
Where did collin go to university?
What did Collin study at university?
Where did Collin become a lawyer?
Is Jean a very nosy woman?
What did the old friends do together when they were young?
Is Bill Guthrie the mayor of Tootenhoe?
What is Bill Guthrie's legal problem?

At what time did Collin leave?

Anita Enichmair

Anita Enichmair was born and grew up in Austria. But, things could have been different.

Shortly after the First World War, a large part of Western Hungary voted to become part of Austria. Overnight, very many people – Anita Enichmair’s ancestors included – stopped being Hungarian and became Austrian instead. And, the changes of then have become the questions of now.

What if the people had voted to remain Hungarian? The answer is simple. Anita Enichmair would have been Hungarian not Austrian, and, she would have grown up speaking Hungarian not German. And, there would have been other differences, too. Instead of having her eyes to the west, Anita Enichmair would have looked east. Budapest, not Vienna, for weekend shopping.

And, one more thing, too! Anita Enichmair, if she had been Hungarian and not Austrian, would still be just as happy in the little Hungarian village of Nagypeterfalva as she is in the little Austrian village of Großpetersdorf. They are, after all, the very same place.  And, people, on the whole, never change.

We are how we are – and not the flag we were born to. Some people walk into change, whilst for others, it comes in in the night.


Ancestors - Ahnen

differences – Unterschiede

different – anders

grew up - grow up/grew up/grown up –aufwachsen

Hungarian - Ungarisch

instead - stattdessen

on the whole – im Großen und Ganzen 

Friday 19 July 2024

Friday the 19th of July, 2024

Simply translate into English, then scroll down for suggested solutions.

Können Sie mir bitte helfen, den Tisch zu decken?

Die Teller sind im Schrank über dem Kühlschrank.

Die Butter ist im Kühlschrank.

Das Salz und der Pfeffer sind auf dem Regal neben dem Radio.

Der Wein ist im Keller.

Die Messer und Gabeln sind in der oberen Schublade.

Die Platzdeckchen sind in der unteren Schublade.

Die Gläser bewahren wir im Schrank in der Ecke auf.

Wo sind die Servietten?

Welche Servietten?

Die roten Servietten oder die weissen Servietten?

Soll ich die Servietten falten?

Wo sitzt das Baby?

Neben mir.

Um wieviel Uhr ist das Mittagessen?


Können Sie mir bitte helfen, den Tisch zu decken?  Can you help me lay the table, please?

Die Teller sind im Schrank über dem Kühlschrank. The plates are in the cupboard above the fridge.

Die Butter ist im Kühlschrank.  The butter is in the fridge.

Das Salz und der Pfeffer sind auf dem Regal neben dem Radio.  The salt and pepper are on the shelf beside the radio.

Der Wein ist im Keller.   The wine is in the cellar.

Die Messer und Gabeln sind in der oberen Schublade.  The knives and forks are in the top drawer.

Die Platzdeckchen sind in der unteren Schublade.  The place mats are in the bottom drawer.

Die Gläser bewahren wir im Schrank in der Ecke auf.  We keep the glasses in the cupboard in the corner.

Wo sind die Servietten?   Where are the napkins?

Welche Servietten?  Which ones?

Die roten Servietten oder die weissen Servietten.  The red napkins or the white ones?

Soll ich die Servietten falten?   Shall I fold the napkins?

Wo sitzt das Baby?   Where is the baby sitting?

Neben mir.  Next to me.

Um wieviel Uhr ist das Mittagessen?    What time is lunch?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Peter Rosegger and Old Kramer Teresa - A Mountain Childhood Story 

People enjoy looking forward to things that are special. Birthdays, Christmas, and other meaningful days. And, these moments of joy always involve other people. People who are special. And, in his book, *As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son, Peter Rosegger, the Austrian author, thinks kindly back to old Kramer Teresa. She was a very kind old lady and her visits to the Rosseger's farm in the mountains of Austria were moments that were never forgotten.

Old Kramer Teresa came twice a year. Once in the winter and again in the spring. Old Kramer Teresa came selling her goods. And, she carried on her back a kind of chest of drawers in the form of a ruck-sack. And, this chest of drawers on her back was a pack of surprises. And, arriving at the Rosseger's farm house, Old Kramer-Thresel would unpack her wares on the old kitchen table. The children's eyes then opened wide with delight. It was the same every time. This was a moment that didn't come often.

There were sweets to suck and enjoy, mouth-organs to play, brightly painted wooden spoons, tobacco to smoke, pocket knives for carving, small wooden horses on wheels, toy soldiers in colourful uniforms, and, many other things as well. Something for everyone. And, because each boy and girl had kept their promises to behave and be good, the rewards were not long in coming. Each child was given a gift of their very own choice. And, the children were happy and joyful.

And, everyone else was happy as well. Then, after a fine simple meal of sausage and bread, Teresa Kramer went on her way. Into the freshness of green in the spring, and, into the snow and the ice in the winter. And, as Old Kramer Teresa waved happily goodbye the waiting began once again.

Peter Rosegger was born in 1843 and died in 1918. In his book, “As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son”, Peter Rosegger describes his childhood in the mountains of Austria, His book is packed full of interesting stories and is a must for everyone interested in Austrian history.

Moments of magic always involve other people. People who are special. And, in those days, Teresa Kramer was a very special person in the mountains of Austria. A lady who called twice a year with her bag of surprises.

Peter Rosegger - As I was still a Forest Farmer's Son. A book that's well worth the read.

Peter Rosegger and Teresa Kramer – Growing up in the mountains of Austria

*German title – Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war – Peter Rosegger.


mouth-organs – Mundharmonika -
tobacco pipes – Tabakpfeife -
pocket knives , Taschenmesser -
buttons – Kopfe -
brightly painted wooden spoons - bunt bemalte Holzlöffel -
small wooden horses on wheels - kleine Holzpferde auf Rädern -
toy soldiers in colourful uniforms - Spielzeugsoldaten in bunten Uniformen

- - - - - - - - - - - - 

The Farm at Lane's End  -  Chapter 15   Key words and phrases

Pigsty - a place where pigs are kept.
To fancy something - If you fancy something is something you want or something you want to do.  I fancy going out this evening.  I fancy  a yoghurt for breakfast.
At least - This is the minumum. We haven't seen Sally for at least a year.  To stay healthy, one must drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
Something has come up - This means something has happened and you can't come.  I'm sorry, something's come up and I must cancel our meeting.
At my place - this means at my house or where I live.  Let's meet at my place at seven.
To bump into someone means to meet someone by chance (unplanned).  I bumped into Chris this morning.
To spill the beans means to tell all.  Come on, tell us what happened. Spill the beans.

When did Dave last see Claire?
How old was claire when Dave last saw her?
What was Claire working as when she as 15?
Did Claire use to have short hair?
How has Claire changed?
Did Claire stay for elevenses?
Why didn't Claire stay for elevenses?
Did Claire invite Dave for lunch?
Did Dave promise to bring a bottle of beer?
What is Claire cooking for Dave?
Who did Farmer Ken bump into in the village?

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck! Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu...