Saturday, 25 June 2022

25 - June - 2022

People swimming before going to the market

Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Good Luck!

Letzte Woche war es unglaublich heiß.  

Zu heiß zum Arbeiten.  

Zu heiß zum Spielen.  

Letzte Woche war es genau richtig zum Schwimmen.  

Heute ist es nicht so heiß.  

Meine Frau ist auf den Markt gegangen.  

Märkte sind wunderbare Orte. 

Man kann seine Freunde auf einen Chat und einen Kaffee treffen.  

Marktleute sind auch interessant.  

Die Marktleute sind überall auf der Welt gleich.  

Der Markthumor ist überall derselbe. 

Die Ausdrücke auf dem Markt sind überall gleich.  

Marktleute kleiden sich alle gleich. 

Marktleute arbeiten sehr hart. 

Märkte bedeuten Leben.


It was incredibly hot last week.  Too hot to work.  Too hot to play.  Last week was just right for swimming.  Today's not so hot.  My wife has gone to the market.  Markets are wonderful places. One can  meet one's friends for a chat and a coffee.  Market people are  interesting, too.  Market people are the same all over the world.  Market humour's the same everywhere. Market expressions are the same everywhere.  Market people all dress the same. Market people work very hard. Markets are life.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

19. June 2022


Translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Good Luck!

Diese Woche fahren wir nach Tulln.

Eine sehr schöne Gartenschau. 

Ich liebe die Gartenarbeit. 

Es ist sehr einfach. 

Alles was man braucht ist eine Gabel und ein Spaten. 

Gartenarbeit ist einfach. 

Ein Liegestuhl ist auch wichtig. 

In Gärten kann man sich gut entspannen. 

Ich verbringe sehr viel Zeit im Garten. 

Ein sehr gutes Buch oder eine Zeitung. 

Gärten sind tolle Orte zum Essen. 

Ich bin ein Grillmeister. 

Meine Steaks sind die besten. 

Und meine Frau? 

Sie backt die Torten. 

Ihre Torten sind die besten in Wien.

+ + + + +


This week we're going to Tulln. A very nice garden show. I love gardening. It is very simple. All you need is a fork and a spade. Gardening is easy. A deck chair is also important. Gardens are great for relaxing. I spend very much time in the garden. A very good book or a paper. Gardens are great places for dinner. I am a grill master. My steaks are the best. And, my wife? She bakes the cakes. Her cakes are the best in Vienna.

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Andrew J. Roberts - Time


Timeless Fun in a Timeless Place

Time is something that never stops still. Sometimes it crawls and sometimes it races. But, for Andrew J. Roberts, time is a wonderful hobby. His collection of clocks is the finest I've seen.

In his collection, which numbers almost 1000, Andrew J. Roberts has many interesting chronometers. He has grandfather clocks, grandmother clocks, mantelpiece clocks, kitchen clocks, and many other fascinating clocks from all over the world. And, all together, they're worth a small fortune. But, Andrew J. Roberts's favourite time keeping device has neither hands nor a digital display. Andrew J. Roberts's favourite timekeeping device is something he couldn't do without. It's an egg-timer. An hourglass from Egypt with Saharian sand.

When Andrew J. Roberts moved into his very first house, his granny was the first to come calling. And, being a sensible woman, the egg-timer was the present she gave him. And, Andrew J. Roberts found it easy to use. He soon got the hang of it. No winding up and no batteries to change. All very simple. Just a flick of the wrist, that's all. And, after 35 years, this wonderful very old device still keeps perfect time. And, thanks to advanced Egyptian technology, Andrew J. Roberts's soft boiled eggs are always delicious. Never too hard and never too soft. Just perfect.

Andrew J. Roberts is a collector of clocks. He has much time on his hands. But, most people say he has a bit of a tick! He gets wound up very quickly. Just like his clocks. But, just like his egg timer,
Andrew J. Roberts keeps perfect time. He never comes late. And, just like his eggs, he's neither too soft nor too hard. Just right for cracking. And, a pinch of salt is all that is needed.

And, do you have a tick, too? Do you collect stamps?

Collecting's a wonderful way of passing one's time. Just ask Andrew J. Roberts, he has time on his hands and, of course, on his walls. And, time never stands still.  It's just slow when you want it to hurry, and fast when you're late for your train.

Andrew J. Roberts.  He collects clocks.

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

8th June 2022


Simply translate into English – Answers below.

Wo ist Jane?

Jane ist draußen im Garten.

Was macht Jane draußen im Garten?

Sie spielt  mit Mary.

Wo ist Janes Mutter?

Sie ist drinnen in der Küche.

Janes Mutter kocht und hört Radio.

Was läuft  im Radio?

Ein Konzert.

Warum ist Jane's kleine Schwester in ihrem Zimmer?

Sie macht   ihre Hausaufgaben.

Was lernt sie?


Wann geht Mary nach Hause?

Sie geht um fünf nach Hause.

Warum geht sie um fünf nach Hause?


Suggested Solutions -  

Where is Jane?    Jane's (Jane is) outside in the garden.  What is Jane doing outside in the garden?
She's (she is) playing with Mary.  Where is Jane's mother?  She is inside in the kitchen.  Jane's mother is cooking and listening to the radio.  What's (what is) on the radio?  A concert.  Why is Jane's little sister in her bedroom?  She's (she is) doing her homework.  What is she learning?   English.  When is Mary going home?   She's going home at 5.   Why is she going home at 5?   Tea-time!

Friday the 21st of February, 2025

Simply translate into English them scroll down for suggested solutions. Gregor ist sehr unglücklich.   Seine Schwiegermutter kommt zu Besuch...