Thursday, 9 January 2025

Thursday the 9th of January, 2024

Skating Home for Lunch

Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.  Goos Luck!

Gregor isst gerade zu Mittag. 

Seine Frau hat gerade ein sehr gutes Essen gekocht. 

Gregor hat 3 Lieblingsgerichte.  

Brathendel  mit Pommes.  



Das Lieblingsgericht von Gregors Frau ist Huhn.  

Brathendel mit Kartoffelsalat.  

Salat zu essen ist sehr wichtig. 

Die Franzosen essen sehr viel Salat.   

Die Franzosen trinken auch sehr viel Wein. 

Österreichischer Wein ist der beste Wein der Welt.  

Vor allem Rotwein aus dem Burgenland und Weißwein von der Brunnerstraße.  

Gregor sagt, wir sind, was wir essen.  

Seine Frau ist ein sehr gutes Beispiel dafür.  

Gregors Frau isst oft Huhn zum Mittagessen. 

Und zum Frühstück ein schönes weich gekochtes Ei.  

Was ist Ihr Lieblingsgericht?

Gregor's having lunch. His wife has just cooked a very nice meal. Gregor has 3 favourite dishes.  Fried chicken and chips, goulasch, and sheeps' brains.  Gregor's wife's favourite meal is chicken.  Roast chicken with potatoe salad.  Eating salad is very important. The French eat very much salad.   The French, too, drink very much wine. Austrian wine is the best wine in the worl.  Especially  red wine from Burgenland and white wine from the Brunnerstrasse.  Gregor says we are what we eat.  His wife is a very good example.  Gregor's wife has often chicken for lunch. And, for breakfast a nice soft  boiled egg.  What's your favourite dish?

Audio soon

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The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 28

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.    For the characters in this story, please click here 


To come by - to come by something means to obtain or get something.

To inherit - to inherit means to get something from someone after their death.

And now to our story.  The Farm at Lane's End.  Chapter 28

Claire, Dave's girlfriend, has invited the Bartons for Sunday lunch.  Everyone's having a wonderful time.

Jean Barton likes Claire's crockery very much.  "I say, Claire, how did you come by this beautiful crockery?"    "I inherited it from my gran.  The design on the plates is wonderful. I really love yellow spots on blue backgrounds. This dinner service reminds me of sunny days and happiness".  

Farmer Ken is more interested in Claire's cooking.  "A very delicious lemon cake, Clair. Where did you get the recipe?"    "It was my gran's.  She got from a French farmer's wife in France.  And, this lemon cake was also my granfather's favourite cake.  My gran always made him one for his birthday.  Lucky grandfather".

Dave has become interested in Claire's grandfather.    "Claire, how old was your grandfather when he died?"   "Grandfather  was 93 when he passed.  He had a wonderful life."  "What did your grandfather do, Claire?"   "Grandfather was a clocksmith.  He made grandfather clocks and grandmother clocks.  And, all he had was a very small workshop,  And, from his very small workshop, he made very much money."

Farmer Ken is impressed.  "Claire, you come from a very intersting background.  And, you, too, are an interesting person.  Thank you for the wonderful lunch."


Does Jean like Claire's crockery?

How did Claire come by her dinner service?

Please describe the design on Claire's crockery?

What does Claire's dinner service remind her of?

What was Farmer Ken interested in?

Was Claire's cake an orange cake or a lemon cake?

From whom did Claire's grandmother get the lemon cake recipe?

Was Claire's grandmother's cake Claire's grandfather's favourite cake?

How old was Claire's grandfather when he passed?

What did Claire's grandfather do for a living?

Was Clair's grandfather successful?

Where did Claire's grandfather make his clocks?

Did Claire's grandfather make very much money?

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Saturday the 4th of January, 2025

 Sailing in the Stadtpark in Vienna

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions.  Good luck!

Es ist an der Zeit, nicht mehr an den Winter zu denken.  

Lasst uns stattdessen an den Sommer denken.  

Wohin sollen wir gehen?  

Lass uns in den Süden gehen, wo es heiß ist.  

Im Süden ist es viel zu heiß.  

Ich würde lieber in den Norden gehen, wo es kühl ist. 

Skandinavien ist genau das Richtige für mich.  

Ich stimme zu, lass uns in den Norden fahren.  

Gregor plant auch ihren Sommer. 

Ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel und ein schöner Strand.  

Ob das seiner Frau gefällt?  

Alles ist besser als letztes Jahr. 

Wo sind sie hingefahren?  

Sie sind nach Polen gefahren, um auf einem Bauernhof zu arbeiten.  

Sie haben die Kühe gemolken und die Ställe geputzt.  

Sehr schlechtes Essen und überhaupt kein Lohn.  

Warum sind sie gegangen?  

Weil es billig war.  

Nie wieder.

It's time to stop thinking of winter.  Let's think of the summer instead.  Where shall we go?  Let's go to the south where it's hot.  It's far too hot in the south.  I'd prefer going north where it's cool. Scandinavia's right up my street.  I agree, let's go to the north.  Gregor is also planning their summer. A five star hotel and a beautiful beach.  Will his wife like it?  Anything's better than last year. Where did they go?  They went to Poland to work on a farm.  Milking the cows and cleaning the stables.  Very bad food and no pay at all.  Why did they go?  Because it was cheap.  Never again.


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A New Year Surprise - Just have fun and enjoy it!

The Little Dustbin Girl from London

Little Hilary Benson lives in a dustbin in London.  And, there are three beautiful trees in her garden. A nut tree, an apple tree and a money tree. And, Hilary Benson's little garden shed is full of apples and nuts. But, sadly no money.

A cheeky little sparrow comes every day and steals all the money. He then takes it to Dublin and buys apples and nuts. And, what does he do with the apples and nuts? He wraps them up in nice paper and sends them to Hilary for Christmas.

What a nice little Sparrow!

Hilary Benson - The Little Dustbin Girl from London

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You can also listen to this story on SPOTIFY

 Click here to listen - Please allow time for SPOTIFY loading

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The Farm at Lane's End wii be back next week

Thursday the 9th of January, 2024

Skating Home for Lunch Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.  Goos Luck! Gregor isst gerade zu Mittag.  Sei...