Saturday 27 July 2024

Friday the 26th of July, 2024

Simply translate into English and scroll down for suggested solutions.

Wir fahren morgen nach Paris.  

Wir sind bei Freunden untergebracht. 

Freunde, die wir letztes Jahr im Urlaub auf The Isle of Sky kennengelernt haben.  

Marlene und Jean.  

Wir waren auf einem Bauernhof untergebracht.  

Übernachtung mit Frühstück. 

Ein schönes bequemes Bett. 

Sehr gutes Essen.  

Marlene und Jean waren zelten.  

Es war billig.  

Das Wetter war schrecklich. 

Starker Regen.  

Nach einem netten Drink in der Pub gingen wir zurück zur Farm.  

Marlene und Jean gingen zurück in ihr Zelt. 

Eiskalt und nass.

We're going to Paris tomorrow.  We are staying with friends. Friends we met on holiday last year on the Isle of Sky.  Marlene and Jean.  We were staying on a farm.  Bed and breakfast.  A nice comfortable bed. Very good meals.  Marlene and Jean were camping.  It was cheap.  The weather was terrible. Heavy rain.  After a nice drink at the pub, we went back to the farm.  Marlene and Jean went back to their tent. Freezing cold and wet.

 The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 16

Key Words and Phrases

Inseparable  - always together - impossible to seperate.
Out of the blue - this means something happened unexpectedly (not planned)
To keep in touch - to stay in contact.
In this neck of the woods - in this area.  What's happening in your neck of the woods.
There is more than meets the eye - there is more to this story or situation than is obvious.
To take one's leave means to politely leave.
To drift apart - to gradually seperate or lose contact.


When did the old friends drift apart?
Where did collin go to university?
What did Collin study at university?
Where did Collin become a lawyer?
Is Jean a very nosy woman?
What did the old friends do together when they were young?
Is Bill Guthrie the mayor of Tootenhoe?
What is Bill Guthrie's legal problem?

At what time did Collin leave?

Anita Enichmair

Anita Enichmair was born and grew up in Austria. But, things could have been different.

Shortly after the First World War, a large part of Western Hungary voted to become part of Austria. Overnight, very many people – Anita Enichmair’s ancestors included – stopped being Hungarian and became Austrian instead. And, the changes of then have become the questions of now.

What if the people had voted to remain Hungarian? The answer is simple. Anita Enichmair would have been Hungarian not Austrian, and, she would have grown up speaking Hungarian not German. And, there would have been other differences, too. Instead of having her eyes to the west, Anita Enichmair would have looked east. Budapest, not Vienna, for weekend shopping.

And, one more thing, too! Anita Enichmair, if she had been Hungarian and not Austrian, would still be just as happy in the little Hungarian village of Nagypeterfalva as she is in the little Austrian village of Großpetersdorf. They are, after all, the very same place.  And, people, on the whole, never change.

We are how we are – and not the flag we were born to. Some people walk into change, whilst for others, it comes in in the night.


Ancestors - Ahnen

differences – Unterschiede

different – anders

grew up - grow up/grew up/grown up –aufwachsen

Hungarian - Ungarisch

instead - stattdessen

on the whole – im Großen und Ganzen 

Friday the 11th of October, 2024

Simply translate into English then scroll down for suggested solutions - Good Luck! Gregor hat beschlossen, seiner Frau eine Überraschung zu...